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More schools announce additional admission scores for 2024


Khanh Hoa University has just announced the additional admission scores for the regular university system according to 3 admission methods.

List of schools announcing additional admission scores for 2024

Hồng Nhung |

Many universities have announced the admission scores for the 2024 supplementary round.

Additional benchmark scores for hot majors at Phenikaa University

Vân Trang |

The benchmark scores for the 2024 regular supplementary admission round have just been announced by Phenikaa University (PKA).

Computer Science major in Ho Chi Minh City, some schools require 9.5 points/subject

Nguyên Chân |

Computer Science in Ho Chi Minh City has an extremely high standard score, with some schools requiring 27 - 28.5 points.

Revealing benchmark scores for extremely rare majors in Vietnam

Hồng Nhung |

Many majors that are being taught for the first time in Vietnam have quite high standard scores.

In the Information Technology industry in Ho Chi Minh City, some schools take 9 points/subject

Nguyên Chân |

The information technology industry has quite high scores in many schools in Ho Chi Minh City , including some schools that take more than 27 points, equivalent to 9 points/subject to be admitted.

Good signal from the Electric Power University benchmark score

Danh Trang |

In the 2024 enrollment season, the benchmark score for traditional training majors at Electricity University tends to increase.

The first school to announce additional benchmark scores for 2024

Vân Trang |

The Aviation Academy has just announced the admission criteria for additional admission in 2024.

Logistics industry benchmarks of universities in Ho Chi Minh City


HCMC - The benchmark score of the Logistics and supply chain management industry in the 2024 high school graduation exam score method is high, with some schools scoring up to 27.1 points.

Surprisingly, the Social Work major's benchmark score increased by 6 points

Trần Hạnh |

Social work is an industry associated with modern society and has great development potential. Students graduating from this major can take on many job positions.

15 points have a chance to pass the Information Technology major, round 2

Hồng Nhung |

Currently, many schools lack the Information Technology major target , and the second round of additional admissions is limited to only 15 points/3 subjects.

Majors with 9 points/subjects will not be accepted into universities in Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyên Chân |

HCMC - The 2024 benchmark score increased dramatically, including many majors where candidates with 9 points/subject could not be admitted .

Benchmark scores and tuition fees for the top 3 medical schools in Ho Chi Minh City in 2024

Nguyên Chân |

Standard scores at the top 3 medical schools in Ho Chi Minh City range from 21.35 to 27.8 points; Tuition fees range from about 41.8 to 84.7 million VND/year.

Revealing majors with standard scores above 29 points

Hồng Nhung |

Below are statistics of majors with high benchmark scores of 29 points or more in the 2024 admission season.

Which major has the highest standard score among police schools?

linh chi - việt anh |

The highest benchmark score of the police school division is 25.52 for female candidates from the North registering for the Party and State Government Construction major.