Bệnh viện đa khoa trung ương Cần Thơ

Cars occupy the sidewalk, people walk on the street


Can Tho - In front of the gate of Can Tho Central General Hospital, many cars lined up and parked, blocking the sidewalk, forcing pedestrians to walk on the street.

Two more kidney transplant surgeries expected in Mekong Delta

Phong Linh |

Following the success of 3 transplants, Can Tho Central General Hospital plans to continue kidney transplants for 2 other pairs of patients in mid-September.

Mother panicked when she saw her 40-year-old daughter have a stroke.

Quang Linh |

Can Tho - The moment her U40 daughter had a stroke , the mother was shocked because she did not think the disease would happen to young people.

LD 24063: Wife in coma receiving ECMO treatment, husband struggling to find money

Phong Linh |

Suffering from septic shock, a woman selling bread on the sidewalk in Vinh Long had to undergo ECMO intervention at a cost of hundreds of millions of dong...

Shocked moment seeing child have stroke at age 36

Tạ Quang - Phong Linh |

At Can Tho Central General Hospital, a stroke case was recorded at the age of 36. Relatives said that the patient had not shown any unusual signs before.

Kidney transplant patients in the Mekong Delta happily have a new life

Phong Linh |

Happiness and gratitude - That's what we feel in successful kidney transplant patients at Can Tho Central General Hospital .

2 more successful kidney transplant cases in the Mekong Delta

Phong Linh |

2 successful kidney transplant cases were performed at Can Tho Central General Hospital with professional support from Cho Ray Hospital.

Playing around with younger brother, girl child was pulled through skull

Phong Linh |

Brother threw a rope to chase away a stray cat but unfortunately the rope's tip struck the top of the head of the sister.

Overcrowding of dialysis patients in the Mekong Delta

Phong Linh |

Kidney failure is on the rise, with a rejuvenation trend that has led to an overload of dialysis patients in the Mekong Delta .

Overcrowding of dialysis patients at the Mekong Delta tertiary hospital

Phong Linh |

The Department of Nephrology and Artificial Nephrology ( Can Tho Central General Hospital ) is in an overload of dialysis patients ; Doctors warn that the disease is rejuvenating...

25 phút cứu sống bệnh nhân đa chấn thương nguy kịch do tai nạn giao thông

Phong Linh |

Các bác sĩ Bệnh viện Đa khoa Trung ương Cần Thơ đã can thiệp nội mạch thành công cứu sống bệnh nhân bị đa chấn thương nguy kịch do tai nạn giao thông...

Can thiệp nội mạch cứu bệnh nhân đa chấn thương nguy kịch do tai nạn giao thông

Phong Linh |

Ngày 26.6, thông tin từ Bệnh viện Đa khoa Trung ương Cần Thơ cho biết các bác sĩ bệnh viện đã can thiệp nội mạch thành công cứu sống bệnh nhân bị đa chấn thương nguy kịch.

Cứu sống bệnh nhân bị xuất huyết tiêu hóa từ ruột non nguy kịch

Hàn Lâm |

Các bác sĩ của Bệnh viện Đa khoa Trung ương Cần Thơ đã phối hợp cứu sống bệnh nhân quê ở Cà Mau trong tình trạng nguy kịch do xuất huyết tiêu hóa từ ruột non, nguyên nhân dị dạng mạch máu.