Caring for children

Some rules to keep children warm that parents need to know


Some rules that parents need to pay attention to when keeping their children warm in the weather that is gradually turning cold.

3 snacks that children should not eat before going to bed


Some of the following snacks will cause negative effects on health if children often eat before bed.

Some harmful effects of letting children sleep on their stomach


Children always like to lie on their stomach while sleeping because this pose will help them feel comfortable. However, this is a habit that needs to be broken.

3 simple ways to help children enjoy eating green vegetables


3 ways below that parents can refer to to improve their children's eating green vegetables.

3 habits that mothers should maintain to help children reduce vomiting


New mothers should maintain some of the following habits to help children limit digestive diseases and vomiting.

2 scolding words that should not be said to children


Even when in anger, parents should know how to control it and try not to tell their children the following statements.

Organizing indoor games for children on the occasion of January 1


Parents can organize games at home, helping their children celebrate Children's International Day on June 1 happily and safely in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to help children fight fear and fear of social interaction


Be a thoughtful parent, supporting your child to overcome their weakness in being afraid to communicate with society.

3 good tips to help children not get bored with drinking water


Mothers can apply some of the following tips to help young children drink plenty of water and cool down in the hot summer.

Helping children avoid depression when at home to prevent COVID-19 epidemic


Due to the long time at home, some children may experience depression, so parents need to pay attention to helping their children overcome the difficult period.

Helping children develop with the right sleeping position


Sleeping incorrectly will prevent children from growing to full height and cause some dangerous complications.