Điểm chuẩn đại học

Data Science in Ho Chi Minh City, some schools require more than 9 points/subject


Data Science has a fairly high admission score in many schools in Ho Chi Minh City, including some schools that require more than 27 points, equivalent to more than 9 points/subject to be admitted.

Marketing major in Ho Chi Minh City, some schools get more than 28 points


HCMC - The benchmark score for Marketing major at some universities in Ho Chi Minh City in 2024 is high, with some schools scoring up to 28.2 points.

List of pedagogical majors with benchmark scores above 28

Vân trang |

In 2024, the benchmark score for pedagogy at many schools continues to increase, nearly reaching the threshold of 30 points (30-point scale).

More schools under Hanoi National University consider additional admission

Linh Đan |

School of Management and Business - Hanoi National University has announced additional admission to regular, high-quality universities in 2024.

Law industry benchmark scores in 2024 increased again


In 2024, the Law industry will be among the top industries with the highest benchmark scores , especially in the C00 admission group.

Standard score of Fire Prevention University in 2024

Linh Đan |

The University of Fire Prevention and Fighting has announced the 2024 benchmark scores to candidates.

People's Security University announced 2024 benchmark scores

Linh Đan |

Below are the benchmark scores of People's Security University in 2024 for candidates to follow.

The People's Police Academy announced the 2024 benchmark scores

Linh Đan |

Below are detailed benchmark scores for the People's Police Academy in 2024 for candidates to follow.

Top schools with super low benchmark scores, 14 points can still pass


Amid the storm of " benchmark scores ", many universities still take 14 points for 3 subjects on the high school graduation exam.

The standard score of An Giang University is from 16 - 27.91 points


An Giang University (Ho Chi Minh City National University) has just announced the standard university admission standard for full-time university in 2024.

Candidates have an increased chance of being admitted to the Computer Science major

Vân Trang |

Many universities announced additional admission in 2024, including the Computer Science major .