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How long will the rain and flooding in the North last?


According to the meteorological agency representative, after September 12, rain in the North decreased but flooding continued.

In some places in the North, there is continued heavy rain exceeding 120mm


The meteorological agency said that from now until the morning of September 12, the North will have moderate rain, heavy rain and thunderstorms, locally very heavy rain with rainfall of over 120mm.

Forecast of when heavy rains will end in the North


According to the temperature chart from the meteorological agency, the possibility of heavy rain in the North will last until September 12.

Weather today 9/10: Heavy rain in many places in the North


Weather today, September 10, the midlands and mountainous areas of the North have heavy to very heavy rain. The plains and coastal areas of the North have moderate to heavy rain, and some places have very heavy rain.

The North is about to have thunderstorms, some places will have very heavy rain exceeding 250mm.


The meteorological agency warns that due to the circulation of storm number 3, from this evening, September 8, many areas in the North will continue to have heavy to very heavy rain , locally over 250mm.

Forecast of flood and rain in the North after storm No. 3


A representative of the meteorological agency said that due to the circulation of storm No. 3 , the North will continue to have heavy rain in the next 24 - 48 hours.

Forecast of the time when the North will have the heaviest rain due to storm No. 3 Yagi


The meteorological agency said that due to the impact of storm No. 3 , the heaviest rain in the North will be concentrated this weekend.

Some places in the North are about to get heavy rain


The meteorological agency said that today, August 27, there will be intermittent sunshine during the day in the North, but there will be heavy rain in some places in the evening.

Forecasting periods of heavy rain in the North


The meteorological agency has warned that heavy rain will concentrate in the Northern region at some times during the day .

The North is about to welcome more days of heavy rain in September


Representatives of the meteorological agency said that the Northern region and the Central Highlands need to guard against the risk of flash floods and landslides due to heavy rains in September.

When will the North end the very heavy rain?


Representatives of the meteorological agency analyzed the cause and forecast the development of heavy rain in the North.

There are places in the North where heavy rain continues to exceed the 200mm mark


The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting said that in the next 2 days, the North will have very heavy rain exceeding the 200mm mark.

Where in the North is it forecast that it will rain very heavily, exceeding the 200mm mark?


The meteorological agency warns that rainfall from this evening, August 20 to August 22, in the North will be over 200mm in some places.

The Northern region is about to have heavy rain, urgently respond to reduce damage

Khương Duy |

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has just issued an official dispatch to respond to heavy rains in the Northern midland and mountainous areas.

When the North received very heavy rain, in some places it was over 200mm


The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has warned when the North will receive moderate and widespread heavy rain ; There are places where the rain is very heavy, over 200mm.