Quyên góp

Gumball 3000 convoy travels for more than 11 hours in heavy rain in Thailand

Thanh Vũ |

After 11 hours of traveling from Bangkok, the Gumball 3000 supercar convoy arrived in Krabi (Thailand).

List of readers donating to support flood victims on September 18, 2024

Lao Động |

The Golden Heart Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank readers for donating and supporting people in flood-affected areas:

List of readers donating to support flood victims on September 17, 2024

Lao Động |

The Golden Heart Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank readers for donating and supporting people in flood-affected areas:

Vietbank team donated more than 700 million in 120 minutes after the launching ceremony

Lê Linh |

Recently, Vietnam Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Vietbank) in collaboration with Chi Vien Fund and Nortfolio successfully organized the launching ceremony of the program "Season of Connection - Vietnamese Bank, for Vietnamese people" to support people in the provinces to overcome the consequences caused by natural disasters. The activity attracted nearly 2,600 officers and employees at 119 transaction points to participate both online and in person.

List of readers donating to support flood victims on September 16, 2024

Lao Động |

The Golden Heart Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank readers for donating and supporting people in flood-affected areas:

List of readers donating to support flood victims on September 15, 2024

Lao Động |

The Golden Heart Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank readers for donating and supporting people in flood-affected areas:

List of readers donating to support flood victims on September 14, 2024

Lao Động |

The Golden Heart Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank readers for donating and supporting people in flood-affected areas:

Vietnamese artists spread solidarity during storms and floods

Huyền Chi |

Many artists have joined hands to share the difficulties with people in flood-hit areas in many ways. Among them, actress Kieu Anh went to deeply flooded areas in Thai Nguyen to deliver necessities to the people.

Golden Heart Fund receives support from Cake Digital Bank to help flood victims

Trà My |

On the morning of September 14, 2024, the Golden Heart Social Charity Fund received a donation of 277 million VND for people affected by storms and floods from Cake Digital Bank.

List of readers donating to support flood victims on September 13, 2024


The Golden Heart Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank readers for donating and supporting people in flood-affected areas:

Tobacco Corporation supports flood victims with 10 billion VND

Minh Hạnh |

On the afternoon of September 13, Vietnam Tobacco Corporation launched a fundraising campaign to help people in the northern provinces affected by storms and floods.

Hơn 800 triệu đồng quyên góp giúp gia đình 3 cháu tử vong trong vụ cháy ở Đà Lạt

Mai Hương |

Đến trưa 25.6, tổng số tiền quyên góp giúp gia đình 3 cháu nhỏ thiệt mạng trong vụ cháy nhà ở TP Đà Lạt được 805 triệu đồng.

Công đoàn phát động quyên góp hỗ trợ thợ lò bị tai nạn giao thông

Minh Hạnh |

Với tinh thần tương thân tương ái, giúp đỡ đồng nghiệp gặp khó khăn, Công đoàn Công ty Than Thống Nhất đã phát động đoàn viên, người lao động quyên góp, hỗ trợ thợ lò bị tai nạn giao thông.

Không được lợi dụng danh nghĩa cơ sở tín ngưỡng, tôn giáo để quyên góp nhằm trục lợi

Ái Vân |

Nghị định số 95/2023/NĐ-CP nêu rõ, không được lợi dụng danh nghĩa cơ sở tín ngưỡng, tổ chức tôn giáo, tổ chức tôn giáo trực thuộc để quyên góp nhằm trục lợi hoặc trái mục đích quyên góp.

Trích 330 triệu đồng quyên góp tại Giải chạy vượt núi gửi bà con bão lũ Sa Pa

Bảo Nguyên |

Lào Cai - Ngày 24.9, UBND thị xã Sa Pa phối hợp với Topas Explorer Group tổ chức bế mạc và trao giải cho các vận động viên tham dự giải Marathon vượt núi quốc tế 2023 (VMM 2023).