Phòng trọ

Renovating super small rooms, landlords need reasonable support


Super small, low-cost boarding houses still exist quite commonly in Ho Chi Minh City because of real demand. But to upgrade these boarding houses, there needs to be a roadmap and support.

Super small rooms for workers cost from 700 thousand VND


HCMC - For low-income workers, having a place to live is already a blessing, so many people still choose super small rented rooms.

Prolonged heavy rain, many rented rooms in Can Tho are empty


Can Tho - Prolonged heavy rain caused flooding in many rented rooms . Tenants have to check out one by one and look for new places to live.

"Red-eyed" students are looking for Hanoi accommodation under 3 million VND

Thu Giang - Nguyễn Thoa |

Accommodation prices in Hanoi have recently increased continuously, causing many students to face great pressure.

Parents struggled for months to find a room for their children

Tuyết Lan |

When new students enroll, the demand for accommodation increases, causing room prices to "dance". Many parents have been struggling for months but still cannot find a room for their children.

Hanoi students are under pressure because of skyrocketing room prices


The price of rented rooms in Hanoi is continuously increasing, causing tenants to struggle because it is difficult to find cheap accommodation, and they have to struggle to live in a room of only about 10-15 m2.

Not yet enrolled, students, parents have thoroughly searched for a rental room

Chân Phúc |

In HCMC, the room for rent market is "heating up" gradually as many new students and parents are frantically searching for a room for rent despite not having enrolled yet.

HCMC Announces that each room for rent must ensure a minimum area of 5m2 per person


The Department of Construction in Ho Chi Minh City proposes that dormitories must ensure a minimum floor area of 5m2/person, alleys must be 4m wide, and must not be more than 100m away from main roads.

The shocking increase in room rental prices makes tenants miserable

Minh Hạnh |

Hanoi - After renovating the fire protection system, the sudden increase in room rental prices has put great pressure on tenants.

A series of motel rooms in Ho Chi Minh City hardly meet the area of ​​5m2/person

Minh Tâm - Anh Tú |

HCMC - Before proposing a minimum room area of ​​5m2 per person , the landlord believes that currently it is difficult to meet the requirements for rented rooms in the suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City.

Chủ trọ không cho nấu trong phòng vì lo cháy nổ, người thuê gặp khó


Sau loạt vụ cháy nổ diễn ra gần đây, một số dãy phòng trọ trên địa bàn TP Cần Thơ đã hạn chế việc dùng điện nấu ăn tại phòng.

Người lao động vất vả trong phòng trọ nhỏ hẹp lúc nắng nóng gay gắt


Những lao động sinh sống ở xóm trọ dưới chân cầu Long Biên (phường Phúc Xá, Ba Đình, Hà Nội) phải gồng mình cam chịu cái nắng nóng gay gắt trong căn phòng chưa đầy 10m2, có mái lợp tôn xi măng càng thêm nóng nực.

Khó tìm phòng trọ giá rẻ, người lao động tìm cách thích nghi


Những phòng trọ giá rẻ khan hiếm trong khi phòng trọ mới xây, diện tích rộng rãi chi phí thuê lại quá cao. Để tiết kiệm, người lao động thích nghi bằng cách tìm bạn ở ghép để giảm gánh nặng tài chính.