Tỷ giá ngoại tệ

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 18.9: Đồng loạt tăng

Nhóm PV |

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 18.9: Tại các ngân hàng thương mại, tỷ giá VND/USD của Vietcombank, VietinBank,... đồng loạt tăng.

USD exchange rate today 9/16: Slipping without brakes

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today, September 16: This morning, the State Bank announced the central exchange rate of the Vietnamese Dong to the USD decreased sharply by 35 VND, down to 24,137 VND/USD.

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 15.9: Big volatility expected

Nhóm PV |

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates today September 15: Many experts believe that gold may face profit-taking pressure in the short term.

USD exchange rate today September 14: USD ends the week with a slight increase

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 14: At the end of the trading session of the week, the USD Index increased slightly to 101.11.

USD exchange rate today 9/13: Unexpected reversal

Nhóm P |

USD exchange rate today September 13: On the world market (10am - Vietnam time), the USD Index decreased to 101.03.

USD exchange rate today 9/12: USD continues to increase

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 12: The USD recorded an increase compared to the Swiss franc, British pound and Japanese yen, but decreased compared to the EURO.

USD exchange rate today 9/11: Central rate continues to soar

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today, September 11: After many days of increase, the central exchange rate at the State Bank today continued to rise to 24,212 VND/USD, an increase of 18 VND compared to the previous session.

USD exchange rate today 9/10: Continuous increase

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 10: On the US market (10am - Vietnam time), the USD Index jumped to 101.66.

Gold and foreign currency prices 10.9: Gold price increase scenario

Nhóm PV |

Gold and foreign exchange prices 10.9: Gold prices may spike when the Fed cuts interest rates by 50 basis points, but if it cuts by 25 points, gold will only fall slightly.

USD exchange rate today 9.9: Central rate continues to drop shockingly

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today 9.9: The State Bank announced the central exchange rate this morning at 24,177 VND/USD, down 25 VND compared to the previous trading session.

USD exchange rate today 9/8: USD Index increases

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 8: In the world, the USD Index is trading at 101.19 (10:00 - Vietnam time), up 0.1% compared to the same time yesterday.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price 8.9

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today September 8.

USD exchange rate today 7.9: Bouncing back

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 7: As of 10:00 (Vietnam time), the Dollar Index increased slightly to 101.19.

Gold and foreign currency prices 7.9: Unexpected developments of gold

Nhóm PV |

Gold and foreign currency prices today, September 7: World gold prices suddenly turned down, gold bars and gold rings of domestic brands remained stable.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price 7.9

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today September 7.