Tỷ giá USD

USD exchange rate today 9/6: Central exchange rate fluctuates unexpectedly

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today, September 6: The State Bank announced the central exchange rate this morning at 24,202 VND/USD, down 20 VND compared to the previous trading session.

Gold and foreign currency prices 6.9: Gold moves sideways after sudden drop

Nhóm PV |

Gold and foreign currency prices 6.9: World gold prices increased sharply yesterday and then decreased slightly this morning.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price 6.9

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today 6.9.

USD exchange rate today 9/5: Vietcombank and VietinBank exchange rates decrease

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 5: At commercial banks, VND/USD exchange rates of Vietcombank, VietinBank,... all decreased.

Gold and foreign currency prices 5.9: Gold ring prices suddenly drop


Gold and foreign currency prices September 5, 2024: While domestic gold bar prices remain stable, gold ring prices are slightly adjusted down.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price 5.9

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today September 5.

USD exchange rate today 9/4: Central rate increases

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 4: This morning, the central exchange rate of Vietnamese Dong to USD at the State Bank increased to 24,229 VND.

Gold and foreign currency prices 4.9: Gold prices continue to decline

Linh Trang - Tuấn Anh |

Gold and foreign currency prices 4.9: As of 8:00 a.m. this morning, the world gold price dropped to 2,494 USD/ounce.

USD exchange rate today 3.9: Reasons why USD is facing difficulties

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 3: The USD decreased slightly in the last trading session as investors waited for the US employment report expected to be released later this week.

Gold and foreign currency prices 3.9: Gold forecast to increase sharply

Nhóm PV |

Gold and foreign currency prices 3.9: Despite the downward trend, world gold is still expected to increase, and it is predicted that it may only take a few months to reach 3,000 USD/ounce.

USD forecast to continue to weaken

Song Minh |

UBS Bank predicts the USD will continue to weaken.

USD exchange rate today 9/2: Continuously increasing

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 2: As of 9:30 (Vietnam time), the Dollar Index increased slightly to 101.76.

Gold and foreign exchange prices 2.9: Predictions on gold risks


Gold and foreign currency prices 2.9: After record increases, gold prices last week gradually stabilized, except for a few drops.

Gold and foreign currency prices 1.9: Forecast of gold's direction next week

Nhóm PV |

Some experts predict that gold prices will increase next week. Currently, the difference between domestic and world gold prices is about 5.4 million VND/tael.

Gold and foreign currency prices 31.8: Sharp decline

Nhóm PV |

World gold prices reversed sharply after the USD recovered. Domestically, gold bar and gold ring prices are currently stable.