Tỷ giá USD

USD exchange rate today August 30: Continuously increasing

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USD exchange rate today August 30: As of 11:00, the Dollar Index increased to 101.38 points.

Gold and foreign currency prices 8/30: Gold increases, new direction forecast


Gold and foreign currency prices August 30: While domestic gold remains stable, world gold prices have reversed and increased sharply.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price 30.8

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Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 30.

USD exchange rate today August 29: USD reverses and increases strongly

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USD exchange rate today August 29: As of 10:00, the Dollar Index increased to 100.97 points.

Gold and foreign currency prices August 29: Gold suddenly turned down


Gold prices and foreign currencies August 29: The recovery of the USD has put pressure on gold, causing gold prices to fall to nearly 2,500 USD/ounce.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, USD black market price 8.29

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Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 29.

USD exchange rate today August 28: Central exchange rate continues to weaken


USD exchange rate today August 28: This morning, the State Bank adjusted the central exchange rate by 12 VND compared to yesterday, down to 24,212 VND/USD.

Gold and foreign currency prices August 28: Domestic gold stabilized again


Gold and foreign currency prices August 28: Domestically, gold bar prices continued to anchor at 81 million VND/tael, while gold ring prices of some brands were slightly adjusted.

Update foreign exchange rates August 28

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Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 28.

Gold and foreign currency prices August 27: Why do gold prices continuously reach peaks?


Gold prices and foreign currencies August 27: World gold prices continue to maintain near record highs thanks to support from the weakening of the USD.

USD exchange rate today August 27: The central exchange rate suddenly dropped shockingly

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USD exchange rate today August 27: The State Bank announced the central exchange rate this morning at 24,224 VND/USD, a sharp decrease of 30 VND compared to the previous trading session.

Foreign exchange rate update August 27: Bank USD decreased simultaneously

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Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 27.

USD exchange rate today August 26: Central exchange rate VND/USD increased

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USD exchange rate today August 26: The central VND/USD exchange rate announced by the State Bank is 24,254 VND, an increase of 4 VND compared to last week's closing session.

Gold and foreign currency prices August 26: There is still a lot of room for price increases

Nhóm PV |

Gold prices and foreign currencies August 26: World gold tends to increase in the near future, domestic gold remains stable.

Foreign exchange rate update August 26: USD/VND exchange rate may be only 25,300 VND

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 26.