Tỷ giá USD

Foreign exchange rate, Yen exchange rate, Free USD today 11.8

Anh Kiệt |

Exchange Rate USD in the domestic market is at 25.550 - 25.630 dong (buy in - sell out). The exchange rate of USD at Vietcombank is at 24.900 - 25.270 VND/USD (buy cash - sell out).

Exchange Rate of USD Today 11.8: USD Rallied Last Week

Nhóm PV |

USD Exchange Rate today 11.8: Closing the final session of the week, the USD Index reached 103.15 points. The US dollar recorded its first increase in 6 weeks.

Usd exchange rate today 10.8 : reason for usd continuously dropping

Nhóm PV |

USD Exchange Rate today 10.8: USD decreased compared to the Japanese yen after 3 days of recovery, due to more robust employment data than expected, which reduces expectations for a rate cut.

Gold Price and Foreign Exchange 10.8: Gold Ring Price Fluctuation

Nhóm PV |

Gold Price and foreign exchange today 10.8: While the domestic gold bar price remains stable, the gold ring price has been adjusted to increase slightly.

Exchange Rate, Yen Japan Rate, Free USD Today 9.8

Anh Kiệt |

Exchange Rate USD in the domestic market is at 25.675 - 25.655 dong (buy in - sell out). The exchange rate of USD at Vietcombank is at 24.925 - 25.395 VND/USD (buy cash - sell out).

Flexible Exchange Rate Management Solution, Stable Foreign Exchange Market

Minh Ánh |

The exchange rate of USD/VND has undergone significant fluctuations during the first half of 2024 and is forecasted to cool down in the second half of the year. To manage the exchange rate flexibly, stabilize the foreign exchange market, experts have also put forward numerous recommendations.

The price of gold and foreign exchange 9.8: Gold ring opposite gold bar

Nhóm PV |

Gold Price and foreign exchange 9.8: Global gold prices surge significantly, domestic gold bars decrease slightly.

Exchange Rate USD Today 9.8: USD Exchange Rate Reverses to Increase

Nhóm PV |

USD Exchange Rate today 9.8: Following several days of decline, by 9h today, the Dollar-Index – a measure of the strength of the US dollar against 6 major currencies – increased slightly compared to the previous session, reaching 103.21 points.

USD Exchange Rate Today, August 8: The Upward Trend Has Not Yet Stopped

Nhóm PV |

USD Exchange Rate today, August 8: This morning, the State Bank of Vietnam announced the central exchange rate of 24,262 VND/USD, increasing by 12 dong compared to yesterday.

Exchange rates, Japanese Yen exchange rate, and free USD exchange rate today, August 8

Anh Kiệt |

Exchange Rate USD in the domestic free market is at 25,650 - 25,750 VND (buying - selling). The exchange rate of USD at Vietcombank is at 24,970 - 25,340 VND/USD (buying cash - selling).

Exchange rates, Japanese Yen exchange rate, and free USD exchange rate today, July 8

Anh Kiệt |

Exchange Rate USD in the domestic free market is at 25,600 - 25,730 VND (buying - selling). The exchange rate of USD at Vietcombank is at 24,965 - 25,335 VND/USD (buying cash - selling).

Exchange Rate of USD Today (7.8): Central Exchange Rate Surges Significantly

Nhóm PV |

USD Exchange Rate today, August 7: This morning, the central exchange rate, as announced by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), is 24,250 VND per USD, increasing by 10 VND.

Gold prices and foreign exchange rates 7.8: Following the global downtrend

Nhóm PV |

The recovery of the US dollar and the yield of US Treasury bonds has impacted precious metals, causing gold price to decline.

USD exchange rate today 6.8: Reason why USD plummeted

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today 6.8: The USD continues to fall sharply because a series of economic data last week raised the prospect of a US economic recession and the prospect of larger interest rate cuts from the Fed. .

Gold and foreign currency prices 6.8: Gold is full of confidence to increase in price

Nhóm PV |

Gold prices and foreign currencies 6.8: World gold prices continue to decline, despite the US economy showing signs of recession. However, analysts are still optimistic about gold prices.