Quang Ngai digital transformation to better serve people


Quang Ngai aims to put people and businesses at the center of the digital transformation process, aiming to serve people and businesses better and better.

On September 26, Quang Ngai organized the Workshop "Digital transformation of enterprises - Improving management and business production capacity".

At the workshop, Mr. Tran Thanh Truong - Director of the Department of Information and Communications (TTTT) - emphasized that the viewpoint of Resolution No. 13-NQ/TU on digital transformation of Quang Ngai province to 2025, with a vision to 2030 of the Provincial Party Standing Committee is: "Taking people and businesses as the center of the digital transformation process, aiming to serve people and businesses better and better".

Toan canh Hoi thao “Chuyen doi so doanh nghiep - Nang cao nang luc quan tri va san xuat kinh doanh”. Anh: Vien Nguyen
Overview of the Workshop “Business Digital Transformation - Improving Management and Business Production Capacity”. Photo: Vien Nguyen

Recently, the province has issued documents directing the implementation of goals, tasks and solutions to promote digital transformation among people and businesses. At the same time, implementing a program to support businesses in digital transformation according to Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP dated August 26, 2021 of the Government. Organizing communication activities, raising awareness, disseminating knowledge, training, consulting, and supporting businesses on strategies and plans for implementing digital transformation.

Through that, the province also achieved certain results. According to the 2022 digital transformation ranking, Quang Ngai province ranked 26th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide; in which, digital economy ranked 17th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide.

Up to now, 100% of Binh Son district agencies, units and localities have used the province's shared software; 100% of leaders and agencies and units have used digital signatures to sign electronic documents and papers. The basic information technology infrastructure meets the work needs of cadres and civil servants.

People and businesses have gradually formed the habit of paying taxes electronically, using electronic invoices, and making cashless payments... However, the information technology infrastructure in the district is still not synchronous and does not meet the requirements of comprehensive digital transformation.

At the workshop, experts, speakers, and technology enterprises shared and exchanged good practices; introduced digital platforms and digital technology solutions to serve production and business such as: Promoting the digital economy through electronic contract signing, authentication, and SmartCA digital signature; Cloud Backup solution, data storage, protection, and recovery; comprehensive digital transformation solutions in business management and operations; improving the efficiency of urban planning and development, etc.

The workshop helps the business community in the province in general, and businesses in Binh Son district in particular, have appropriate practical solutions, apply modern technology to successfully transform digitally, create breakthroughs in production and business, towards smart production, and improve business competitiveness.


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