Three Gorges Dam - the largest link in the Chinese hydroelectric dam chain

Thanh Hà |

Yangtze River water passes through 6 hydroelectric plants one after another, including the Three Gorges Dam , meaning each drop of water is used to produce electricity 6 times.

There are 6 large hydropower plants along the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River: O Dong Duc, Bach Hac Than, Khe Lac Do, Huong Gia Ba, Tam Hiep and Cat Chau Ba - forming the largest clean energy corridor in the world. world, stretching more than 1,800 km. There are currently 110 generators operating in this corridor.

Jizhoubo Hydropower Plant, located in Yichang, Hubei Province, central China, is the first large-scale water control project on the Yangtze River and a milestone in Chinese hydropower generation .

The first group of generating sets in Jizhouba was put into operation in 1981 and has operated safely for more than 40 years. By 2021, the 40th anniversary of operation, the cumulative electricity output of the Gezhou Ba hydropower plant will exceed 600 billion kilowatt hours (kWh), according to data from China Yangtze Electric Power Company.

The 5-story lock of the Three Gorges Dam in Yichang, Hubei province, central China. Photo: Xinhua
The 5-story lock of the Three Gorges Dam in Yichang, Hubei province, central China. Photo: Xinhua

After nearly half a century of planning and construction, the world's largest clean energy corridor was completed in December 2022, with the Bach Hac Than hydroelectric plant, located upstream of the Yangtze River, fully operational.

"Water from the Yangtze River passes through 6 hydroelectric plants in turn, meaning each drop of water is used to produce electricity 6 times" - an executive manager of the Bach Hac Than hydroelectric plant shared with Hoan Times. bridge.

The manager said that 1 m3 of water can produce 0.25 kWh of green electricity through the Tam Hiep hydroelectric plant. When operating all 6 hydroelectric plants together, 1 m3 of water can generate up to 2 kWh of electricity, helping to increase operating efficiency 8 times.

The total installed capacity of these 6 hydropower plants reaches 71.695 million kilowatts, producing about 300 billion kWh of clean electricity annually, which can meet the annual electricity needs of 360 million people, according to the Global Times.

By February 2024, the cumulative power output of six major hydropower plants in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River has exceeded 3.5 trillion kWh, equivalent to saving more than 1 billion tons of standard coal and reducing more than 2.8 billion tons of CO2, creating a strong driving force for China's economic development.

According to calculations based on 713.7 kWh of electricity consumed per 10,000 yuan of GDP generated, the six terraced hydropower plants in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River generate more than 48,000 billion yuan (6,600 billion USD) for China's economic development , an industry insider shared with the Global Times.

By 2021, Cat Chau Ba hydropower plant will have a cumulative electricity output exceeding 600 billion kilowatt hours (kWh). Photo: Xinhua
By 2021, Cat Chau Ba hydropower plant will have a cumulative electricity output exceeding 600 billion kilowatt hours (kWh). Photo: Xinhua

In addition to generating electricity, dams along the Yangtze River also have reverse regulation capabilities, improving navigation and other benefits.

According to the Global Times, six cascade hydropower plants have raised water levels in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, allowing large cargo ships to enter waterways that were once too shallow for transport ships. In 2023, the Three Gorges hub in Hubei province transported 172.34 million tons of goods by water, an increase of 7.95% over the same period last year, setting a record high.

Thanh Hà

Đập Tam Hiệp báo động cao về đợt lũ mới

Thanh Hà |

Đập Tam Hiệp trong tình trạng báo động cao về một đợt lũ lụt mới sau khi mưa lớn tấn công siêu đô thị Trùng Khánh ở phía tây nam Trung Quốc.

Nước lũ dồn dập đổ về đập Tam Hiệp Trung Quốc

Thanh Hà |

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Lũ lụt tồi tệ nhất 70 năm, đập Tam Hiệp giảm xả lũ để cứu hạ lưu

Thanh Hà |

Đập Tam Hiệp đã giảm lượng xả nước lũ từ 24.000 m3/s xuống còn 14.000 m3/s để giảm áp lực lũ ở hạ lưu sông Dương Tử - con sông dài nhất Trung Quốc.

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The Three Gorges Dam is on high alert for a new flood

Thanh Hà |

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Lũ lụt tồi tệ nhất 70 năm, đập Tam Hiệp giảm xả lũ để cứu hạ lưu

Thanh Hà |

Đập Tam Hiệp đã giảm lượng xả nước lũ từ 24.000 m3/s xuống còn 14.000 m3/s để giảm áp lực lũ ở hạ lưu sông Dương Tử - con sông dài nhất Trung Quốc.