Russia announced breakthrough technology to Mars for 30 days

Song Minh |

Russian plasma engine can bring spacecraft to Mars for 30 days, significantly reducing the time of space travel.

Scientists at the Russian atomic Energy Group Rosatom have revealed a breakthrough technology: electric plasma engine, which can help the spacecraft fly to Mars in just 1-2 months, instead of many years as currently currently now.

According to Izvestia, unlike traditional fuel -burning missile engines, new engines use the magnetic plasma accelerator, which significantly reduces the travel time between planets.

Expert Egor Birulin of the Troitsk Science Institute of Rosatom said that this engine operates thanks to two electrodes. When the charged particles move under high voltage, the current generates magnetic fields to push the particles out of the engine, creating thrust.

This system uses hydrogen as fuel and can accelerate charged particles (electrons and protons) up to 100 km/s, more than 20 times more than the exhaust velocity of conventional rocket engine.

Alexei Voronov, Deputy Director of Troitsk Institute pointed out: "In the traditional engine, the maximum speed of the gas flow is only about 4.5 km/s due to the limit of the fuel burning process. Our use of charged particles, accelerated by electromagnetic field. "

Cac nha khoa hoc cua Rosatom da tao ra mot nguyen mau dong co ten lua dien plasma trong phong thi nghiem dua tren may gia toc plasma tu tinh. Anh: Rosatom
Rosatom scientists have created a prototype of Plasma power missile engine in the laboratory based on the magnetic plasma accelerator. Photo: Rosatom

Shortening the journey to Mars not only helps to increase performance but also reduces the risk of exposure to space radiation, great threat to astronauts in the planet's mission.

Currently, a prototype has been developed at the Troitsk Institute and is undergoing ground tests. A flight model can be completed by 2030.

Konstantin Gutorov, the scientific advisor of the project, revealed, the engine operates in the circulating pulse mode with a capacity of about 300 kW. It has been shown to operate more than 2,400 hours, enough to bring the spacecraft to Mars.

This technology not only serves the spacecraft with the driver but also can be integrated into the spacecraft, helping to transport goods between the planets.

In addition to Russia, many countries and organizations are also developing advanced push systems, such as Lightsail (Lightsail) or water -using engines. However, most are still in the testing stage.

Although there is a lot of independent verification, if this plasma engine actually acts as declared, it can open a new era for the universe, turning dreams to conquer the solar system into reality early. More than ever.

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