On the evening of January 4 US time (morning of March 5 Vietnam time), US President Donald Trump in his first speech to the House of Representatives since returning to power praised the achievements of the US administration in the first 43 days of office.
3-word message
President Donald Trump began his speech before the National Assembly's general session with the 3-word message: "America is back".
In his affirming speech, President Donald Trump reiterated his inauguration speech.
"6 weeks ago, I stood under the arch of this Congress and declared the dawn of the golden age of America. From that moment on, we have acted quickly and tirelessly to open the greatest and most successful period in the history of our country," Trump said.
So far, President Donald Trump has reshaped the use of executive power, changed the role of the United States in the world and transformed the scale and scope of the federal government.
"We have achieved more in 43 days than most other governments in 4 or 8 years. And we are just getting started," he affirmed.
Mr. Trump declares to "strengthening" important mineral production in the US
President Donald Trump has revealed his action plan: "This weekend, I will take a historic action to strongly expand the production of important minerals and rare earths right in the US."
Materials such as lead, lithium, uranium and 17 chemical elements are considered rare earths that play an important role in economic growth and national security.
They are essential for the production of electronic devices, clean energy technology (including wind turbines, energy grids, electric vehicles) as well as some weapons systems.
Mr. Trump praises withdrawal from international agreements and organizations
President Donald Trump praised the US withdrawal from many international agreements such as the Paris Climate Agreement and organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), calling it "the time of big dreams and bold actions".
"Every day, my administration is fighting to bring the change that America needs, to create a future that America deserves," he told the National Assembly.
Mr. Trump declares election victory will give him power, causing mixed reactions
President Donald Trump recalled his victory in the 2024 US presidential election, stating that his victory brought "an unprecedented mission in decades".
Immediately, Republican lawmakers in the meeting room stood up to cheer, shouting "USA!"
However, when he continued to speak, some lawmakers began to weep in protest.
Mr. Trump emphasized that the election map "is almost completely the red color of the Republican Party".