Secretary of Hanoi received new tasks


On the morning of July 29, the Hanoi National Assembly delegation held a conference to perfect the position of Head of the 15th National Assembly delegation.

According to the report of the City National Assembly Delegation, comrade Bui Thi Minh Hoai, Politburo member, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, National Assembly delegate of the Hanoi Delegation was introduced to be elected Head of the National Assembly Delegation. city ​​association.

After voting to finalize the election list, the delegates conducted a secret vote to elect the Head of the city's National Assembly delegation. As a result, 100% of delegates present elected Ms. Bui Thi Minh Hoai as Head of the 15th National Assembly delegation in Hanoi, term 2021-2026.

Speaking to accept the assignment, expressing the honor of being elected by the National Assembly delegates in the Delegation to hold the position of Head of the City National Assembly Delegation, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Bui Thi Minh Hoai affirmed, The city's National Assembly is a very special delegation as General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has spent 22 years as a National Assembly delegate living in the Union.

“With feelings of respect, deep gratitude, and infinite condolences to Comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - an especially excellent leader, a loyal and true communist, a complete representative of life for the country and the people - I vow to constantly study according to Ho Chi Minh's moral example and style, following the shining example of Comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to strive to overcome all difficulties and hardships, successfully complete the tasks assigned by the Party and people" - Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee affirmed.

Ms. Bui Thi Minh Hoai assessed that Hanoi's National Assembly delegation is also the largest delegation in the country, playing a very important role in the activities of the National Assembly; There is a structure of delegates who are intellectuals, with very high academic titles and degrees; Many full-time and part-time delegates from the central government, ministries, departments, branches and agencies of the National Assembly are experienced and have participated in many National Assembly courses.

“It is a great honor but also a very heavy responsibility because I accept the task with high requirements for Party building work, ensuring national defense and security of a city that is a political and economic center. , the culture of the Capital - the heart of the whole country" - Ms. Bui Thi Minh Hoai said.

Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee said he would do his best, coordinate closely with the Youth Union leaders and National Assembly delegates, maintain principles, uphold exemplary pioneering, and carry out tasks according to the law. Working regulations of National Assembly deputies and the City National Assembly Delegation.

“I will make efforts with the Youth Union's leadership to fully and comprehensively carry out tasks according to the provisions of the Constitution and the law in the direction of continuing to innovate and improve the quality of participation in Law making and contact activities. voters before and after the meeting, strengthen urging resolution associated with monitoring the responsibilities of organizations and individuals with authority to resolve complaints, denunciations, denunciations, and recommendations on issues related to the legitimate rights and interests of voters and people" - Ms. Bui Thi Minh Hoai emphasized.

The head of the city's National Assembly delegation wishes and requests that National Assembly delegates, National Assembly agencies, ministries, departments, central branches and city agencies help complete assigned tasks.


Hà Nội có tân Bí thư Thành ủy


Bộ Chính trị quyết định điều động, chỉ định bà Bùi Thị Minh Hoài - Ủy viên Bộ Chính trị, Trưởng ban Dân vận Trung ương tham gia Ban Chấp hành, Ban Thường vụ, giữ chức Bí thư Thành ủy Hà Nội khoá XVII, nhiệm kỳ 2020 – 2025.

Bí thư Hà Nội yêu cầu đẩy nhanh, sớm vận hành nhà máy xử lý nước Yên Xá


Bí thư Thành ủy Hà Nội Đinh Tiến Dũng đề nghị chủ đầu tư cùng các nhà thầu, đơn vị tư vấn tập trung nhân lực, máy móc, thiết bị triển khai thi công ngay nhằm bảo đảm hoàn thành dự án hệ thống xử lý nước thải Yên Xá đúng tiến độ.

Bí thư Hà Nội yêu cầu không được sử dụng xe công vào việc riêng


Bí thư Thành ủy Hà Nội Đinh Tiến Dũng lưu ý các cơ quan, đơn vị, địa phương tăng cường quản lý cán bộ, công chức, viên chức, người lao động, không để xảy ra vi phạm kỷ cương, kỷ luật, nhất là vi phạm trong giờ làm việc, sử dụng xe công vào việc riêng.

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