Secretary of Hue City Party Committee talked about developing bicycle traffic


HUE - With the characteristics of a heritage-tourism urban area, developing bicycles in the inner city of Hue city is very necessary and needs to be started early with a long-term orientation.

The country's first signature bicycle city

On July 23, Mr. Le Thanh Bac - Deputy Director of the Green Urban Project Management Board of Thua Thien Hue province said that up to now, the unit has painted dedicated bicycle lanes on the sidewalks on several main roads in the country. Hue City, mainly concentrated in An Van Duong new urban area, with a total length of nearly 8km. For sidewalks 6m wide, 1 bicycle lane 1.45m wide will be arranged, and for sidewalks 11m wide, 2 bicycle lanes 2.9m wide will be arranged.

Painting the sidewalk not only creates a highlight but also helps people who regularly exercise by cycling have convenient and safe conditions. Photo: Phuc Dat.
Painting the sidewalk not only creates a highlight but also helps people who regularly exercise by cycling have convenient and safe conditions. Photo: Phuc Dat.

In recent years, Thua Thien Hue province has focused many resources to develop green transportation, improve the environment, and ensure that people and tourists travel safely, comfortably and conveniently by bicycle.

In addition to orienting the development of the public passenger transport system, Hue will develop bicycle traffic as a green and safe form of transport, suitable for preserving heritage and protecting the landscape, aiming to build Building Hue into one of the first bicycle cities in Vietnam.

Hue outlines the types of bicycle road network, such as: dedicated bicycle lanes, shared bicycle paths; landscaped bicycle paths, priority paths for bicycles and walking; bicycle highway.

Thua Thien Hue will separate and create priority lanes for bicycles on main roads, deploy many solutions to improve traffic safety, install priority signals, and increase the recognition of priority lanes for bicycles. ; Arrange bicycle storage and bicycle racks.

Recently, after a meeting to listen to reports on plans and plans to deploy investment in infrastructure, vehicles, and management and operation of the bicycle system in Hue City, Chairman of Thua Thien Hue Provincial People's Committee - Mr. Nguyen Van Phuong requested relevant departments and branches to complete the "Master plan of infrastructure system and plan to deploy bicycle routes in Hue City and surrounding areas". At the same time, urgently organize consultation and submit to competent authorities for appraisal and approval according to current regulations for completion in 2024; ensuring the goal of making Hue City become the country's first typical bicycle city as soon as possible.

Many routes have space for bicycles

While waiting for approval of the above project, the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province allows research and pilot banning vehicles (cars, motorbikes) on some routes for bicycles every Sunday; In the immediate future, there are roads around Hue Citadel such as: Le Huan - Dang Thai Than - Doan Thi Diem - August 23 Street and there are plans to flexibly adjust other routes and other types of vehicles (including motorbikes and mopeds). ) to suit actual needs; The ban time is from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Assign the Hue City People's Committee to survey and propose plans, roadmaps, and implementation plans appropriate to reality, and continue to research and implement the plan to ban 1/2 lane from Da Vien - Phu Xuan bridge is reserved for bicycles every Sunday in the coming time.

Currently, bicycle lane markings on sidewalks are mainly concentrated in the An Van Duong new urban area, with a total length of nearly 8km. Photo: Phuc Dat.
Currently, bicycle lane markings on sidewalks are mainly concentrated in the An Van Duong new urban area, with a total length of nearly 8km. Photo: Phuc Dat.

Regarding the above issue, talking to a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Phan Thien Dinh - Secretary of Hue City Party Committee - said that Hue City is the first locality in Vietnam to reserve a part of the sidewalk for bicycles. This is a solution that has been successfully and civilly implemented by many large cities around the world, both encouraging people to ride bicycles and creating a green and environmentally friendly city.

According to the Secretary of Hue City Party Committee, with the characteristics of being a heritage-tourism urban area, developing bicycle transportation in the inner city area is very necessary and needs to be started early with the orientation Castle. In particular, the formation of a public bicycle network and dedicated bicycle paths is one of the basic issues that need to be focused on implementation.

"The implementation process needs to have appropriate roadmaps and steps to ensure practical and substantive results; however, project implementation must always be associated with listening, absorbing, and perfecting the system. The bicycle traffic system is getting better and more convenient for residents and tourists alike" - Mr. Phan Thien Dinh emphasized.


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Chi tiền tỉ sơn 8km vỉa hè ở Huế để dành riêng cho xe đạp


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