Great vision on building a socialist rule of law state in Vietnam

Vương Trần |

General Secretary To Lam's article expressed a broad and comprehensive vision on the process of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam.

Broad and comprehensive vision on building a socialist rule of law state

During the 13th tenure, the Party Central Committee issued Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated November 9, 2022 on continuing to build and perfect the socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam in the new period.

This is the first time our Party has issued a specialized Resolution on the Socialist Rule of Law State, a milestone and an important step in building a Socialist Rule of Law State in Vietnam.

After nearly 2 years of implementing Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW of the 13th Central Executive Committee, recently, General Secretary To Lam wrote an article "Promoting Party spirit in building a socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam".

Through research, many experts and scholars have concluded that General Secretary To Lam's article demonstrates a broad and comprehensive vision of the process of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state, while affirming the leadership role of the Communist Party of Vietnam in all fields.

According to Vice Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education Ta Van Ha, General Secretary To Lam's article is not only a continuation of the Party's ideology on building a socialist rule-of-law state, but also a call for all levels of leaders, Party members and the masses to join hands to promote Party spirit in the cause of national development.

Pho Chu nhiem Uy ban Van hoa, Giao duc cua Quoc hoi Ta Van Ha. Anh: T.Vuong
Vice Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education Ta Van Ha. Photo: T.Vuong

The article has provided in-depth analysis and explanation so that cadres, party members and people of all walks of life can better understand the Party spirit, rule of law and social management by law in the context of building and developing the country in the direction of socialism.

One of the notable points in General Secretary To Lam’s article is the affirmation of the rule of law in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This is the basic principle of a rule of law state, where all state and social management activities must be regulated and supervised by law.

However, what is special in the socialist rule of law system is that the law must be based on the foundation of the Party's guidelines, policies and strategies.

“The Party leads by guidelines, but it is important that laws are continuously improved and adjusted in a timely manner to respond to social changes and accurately reflect the will and aspirations of the people. In this article, the General Secretary clearly stated that flexibility in the process of building and implementing laws is a decisive factor, especially in the context of rapid economic and social development today. Thanks to that, laws can protect human rights, promote innovation and attract resources for national development,” Mr. Ta Van Ha analyzed.

New wind creates new vitality

Talking to the press regarding the article by General Secretary To Lam on “Promoting Party spirit in building a socialist rule-of-law state in Vietnam”, Deputy Minister of Justice Nguyen Thanh Tinh said that the article is truly a breath of fresh air creating new vitality to promote the process of building and perfecting a socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam of the people, by the people, for the people faster and more effectively.

Thu truong Bo Tu phap Nguyen Thanh Tinh. Anh: Bo Tu phap
Deputy Minister of Justice Nguyen Thanh Tinh. Photo: Ministry of Justice

According to Deputy Minister Nguyen Thanh Tinh, the General Secretary's article has provided a guiding viewpoint in building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam through the direct and comprehensive leadership of the Party; through the position and role of grassroots party organizations and the revolutionary vanguard and exemplary leadership of cadres and party members so that we can strive to successfully implement Resolution 27-NQ/TW.

“The article of the General Secretary emphasized: The characteristic of the Vietnamese socialist rule of law state is to be under the leadership of the Party, therefore, building a socialist rule of law state is a measure and method to successfully implement the goal of our Party as defined in the Party Charter: "building an independent, democratic, prosperous Vietnam, a fair and civilized society, no longer exploiting people, successfully implementing socialism and finally communism" - Deputy Minister of Justice cited.

Vương Trần

Promoting Party spirit in building the socialist rule of law state of Vietnam


Along with the implementation of innovation and development of a socialist-oriented market economy, our country has been gradually building and perfecting a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, for the people, under the leadership of the Party.

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Promoting Party spirit in building the socialist rule of law state of Vietnam

TÔ LÂM - Tổng Bí thư Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, Chủ tịch nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam |

Along with the implementation of innovation and development of a socialist-oriented market economy, our country has been gradually building and perfecting a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, for the people, under the leadership of the Party.

Trung ương thảo luận về xây dựng và hoàn thiện Nhà nước pháp quyền XHCN

Vương Trần |

Trong buổi sáng ngày làm việc thứ 2 Hội nghị Trung ương 6 khoá XIII đã thảo luận về Đề án tiếp tục xây dựng và hoàn thiện Nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam trong giai đoạn mới.

Xây dựng nhà nước pháp quyền XHCN là trọng tâm của đổi mới chính trị


Chủ tịch nước Nguyễn Xuân Phúc nêu rõ, đã đạt được sự thống nhất cao về những vấn đề chính trị - pháp lý cốt lõi, quan trọng về nhà nước pháp quyền và Nhà nước pháp quyền XHCN Việt Nam.