The Minister of Public Security proposed creating the best conditions for journalists to work

Việt Dũng |

Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang proposed creating the best conditions for reporters to penetrate and learn about the real life of the force.

On the afternoon of July 15, the Ministry of Public Security coordinated with Nhan Dan Newspaper to organize a conference to summarize 5 years of implementing the coordinated program to propagate the task of protecting security and order and building the People's Police force on Nhan Dan Newspaper, period 2018 - 2023, signing a coordinated propaganda program for the period 2024-2029.

Attending the conference were members of the Party Central Committee: Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang - Minister of Public Security , Senior Lieutenant General Tran Quoc To - Deputy Minister of Public Security; Mr. Le Quoc Minh - Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper.

At the conference, the Ministry of Public Security said that in recent times, between the Ministry of Public Security and Nhan Dan Newspaper, there has been extensive, timely and effective coordination of information and propaganda on the Party's guidelines, policies and laws. State law.

The coordination between Nhan Dan Newspaper and the Ministry of Public Security in fighting against the wrong views and arguments of hostile forces and protecting the Party's ideological foundation continues to be promoted, strengthened, and improved. in-depth in the publications of Nhan Dan Newspaper.

The Ministry of Public Security and Nhan Dan Newspaper have closely coordinated in maintaining specialized pages, columns, topics, and highlights, with a mechanism to provide timely information and create favorable conditions for Nhan Dan Newspaper reporters. to exploit propaganda materials.

However, during the coordination process, the Ministry of Public Security also noticed some shortcomings and limitations. In particular, the provision of information for Nhan Dan Newspaper publications in some police units and localities is still rigid and mechanical, and some places are reluctant to provide it.

According to the Ministry of Public Security, the press needs to be quick, accurate, and timely in providing information, especially on cases of public concern, while official news sources through responsible spokespersons are sometimes slow, or has not been responded to "due to reasons being in the investigation stage" or awaiting direction from superiors.

The Ministry of Public Security also realized that some reporters themselves are still afraid to approach the police sector because it is difficult, sensitive, and can easily make mistakes if they are not careful. Therefore, there are not many products that work well together. The information verification coordination mechanism needs to continue to be followed and further improved to ensure information is correct, accurate, timely, responsive, and oriented.

At the conference, the Ministry of Public Security and Nhan Dan Newspaper continued to sign an agreement to coordinate and propagate the task of protecting security and order and building the People's Police force on Nhan Dan Newspaper for the period 2024-2029.

Minister Luong Tam Quang proposed that in order to effectively implement the coordination program, it is necessary to seriously implement the specific contents that have been signed; create the best conditions for press reporters in general and Nhan Dan Newspaper reporters and editors in particular to penetrate and learn about the real life and combat work of the People's Public Security force;

Provide timely information on the situation and results of implementing strategic policies on ensuring security and order, building the people's police force, and activities of sector forces on the front line of security protection. security, order.

Việt Dũng

Bộ trưởng Lương Tam Quang: Kiên quyết chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực trong công tác cán bộ

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Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

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