Border guards and navy soldiers support people against storm number 3

Vương Trần |

Responding to super typhoon No. 3 , thousands of military officers and soldiers participated in natural disaster prevention and support for people in the stationed area.

Border Guards and people overcome the consequences of storm No. 3 (storm Yagi)

Super typhoon No. 3 has caused widespread heavy rains and affected the northern region. Border Guard forces in the provinces have been on standby to help people prevent and overcome the consequences of typhoon No. 3.

The image of soldiers in the storm supporting and helping people protect their lives and property further strengthens the relationship between the army and the people.

Lang Son Border Guards are working with the people to overcome the consequences of Storm No. 3. Photo: Border Guards
Lang Son Border Guards are working with people to overcome the consequences of Storm No. 3. Photo: Border Guards

23,500 people evacuated from low-lying areas and old apartment buildings

On the afternoon of September 7, in Hai Phong City, the wind began to decrease on Bach Long Vi Island. The city has evacuated 23,500 people from low-lying areas and old apartment buildings. Communications are still maintained.

Preliminary records in Hai Phong show some damage such as fallen trees, collapsed some small construction works, many houses had their roofs blown off, billboards were blown away; power outages, local power cuts in some places. In addition, in Lan Ha Bay (coastal bay of Cat Ba Island, Hai Phong City), some vessels broke their anchors and collided with other ships.

Do Son Border Guard Station, Hai Phong City Border Guard, takes people to a safe storm shelter. Photo: Xuan Chinh
Do Son Border Guard Station, Hai Phong City Border Guard, takes people to a safe storm shelter. Photo: Xuan Chinh

Currently, the Hai Phong City Border Guard Command continues to mobilize all forces to respond to storm No. 3 and post-storm floods.

Border guards at A Dot border gate help people harvest rice to avoid storm number 3

To proactively prevent damage caused by storm No. 3, on September 7, the Youth Union of the A Dot Border Guard Station (Thua Thien - Hue) mobilized 20 officers and soldiers to go to the fields to harvest the Summer - Autumn rice crop, helping farmers in A Tin village, Lam Dot commune, A Luoi district harvest rice to avoid the storm.

Officers and soldiers of the A Dot Border Guard Station (Thua Thien - Hue) help people harvest rice to escape the storm. Photo: Border Guard
Officers and soldiers of the A Dot Border Guard Station (Thua Thien - Hue) help people harvest rice to escape the storm. Photo: Border Guard
Officers and soldiers of the A Dot Border Guard Station (Thua Thien - Hue) help people harvest rice to escape the storm. Photo: Border Guard
Officers and soldiers of the A Dot Border Guard Station (Thua Thien - Hue) help people harvest rice to escape the storm. Photo: Border Guard

Navy Region 3 rescues fishermen in distress during storm No. 3

On the evening of September 7, the Naval Region 3 Command said that at 12:00 on September 7, at the Tung Gau storm shelter, Hai Phong City, the fleet of Ships 320 and 321 of Naval Region 3 were performing the task of repairing and anchoring at the storm shelter No. 3 when they discovered fishing boat TB-92666TS had broken its anchor and was drifting, with 9 fishermen on board.

Immediately, the squadron urgently deployed plans to support the rescue of the distressed ship. After more than 2 hours of maneuvering, at 2:30 p.m. the same day, despite the complicated and dangerous weather, heavy rain, and strong winds, officers and soldiers of the Navy Region 3 ships quickly approached and successfully supported the rescue, and at the same time organized health checks for the fishermen; currently the fishermen's health is normal, and their assets are safe.

Navy Region 3 promptly rescued fishermen during storm No. 3. Photo: Navy Region 3

Nearly 2,000 Navy officers and soldiers support people in responding to storm No. 3

On the morning of September 7, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Bong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Navy, grasped the actual situation of storm prevention and control work at Brigade 170, Naval Region 1, encouraged soldiers and presented life jackets, national flags and 10 gifts to fishermen in the area.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Bong encouraged officers and soldiers of Brigade 170. Photo: Navy Command
Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Bong encouraged officers and soldiers of Brigade 170. Photo: Navy

Accordingly, to proactively cope with storm No. 3 - Yagi, the Navy directed units stationed in Hai Phong and Quang Ninh to proactively monitor and grasp the storm's developments; proactively provide sufficient supplies and equipment for storm and flood prevention, search and rescue for units; strictly maintain duty at all levels and search and rescue forces.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Bong visited, encouraged and presented gifts to the people of Ha Long City, Quang Ninh. Photo: Hoang Son
Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Bong visited, encouraged and presented gifts to the people of Ha Long City, Quang Ninh. Photo: Hoang Son

Over the past few days, the Navy has reinforced thousands of houses and harvested crops for the people. At sea, the forces have increased surveillance and rescued fishing boats in distress and brought them back to shore to anchor in a safe area before the storm.

Proactively responding to super typhoon No. 3, 100% of Navy officers and soldiers maintained their on-duty numbers. Of which, more than 40 mobile teams with nearly 2,000 officers and soldiers were organized to be ready to prevent natural disasters and search and rescue in the stationed area.

Vương Trần

Bão số 3 sắp đổ bộ, dự báo Hà Nội có mưa lớn, gió giật cấp 10 từ chiều nay


Đại diện cơ quan khí tượng cho biết chiều nay 7.9, khi bão số 3 đổ bộ đất liền sẽ gây ra gió mạnh ở nhiều khu vực.

Siêu bão số 3 tiến vào vùng biển Bắc Bộ, giật cấp 17

Phương Anh |

Ban Chỉ đạo Quốc gia về phòng, chống thiên tai vừa phát đi cảnh báo về hướng đi của cơn bão số 3 đã áp sát các tỉnh phía Bắc; gây mưa lớn khu vực Bắc Bộ.

Biển Thanh Hóa không một bóng người trước giờ bão số 3 đổ bộ


Thanh Hóa - Để phòng tránh bão số 3, tất cả các nhà hàng, khách sạn ở biển Hải Tiến, huyện Hoằng Hóa đã đóng cửa, trên đường không một bóng người.

Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Chính phủ Nguyễn Hòa Bình được phân công là Tổ trưởng Tổ công tác cải cách thủ tục hành chính của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.

Nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu dân cư ở Hà Nội


Dòng nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu tập thể Phú Minh (phường Cổ Nhuế 2, quận Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội) khiến người dân lo lắng.

Dự báo cường độ áp thấp nhiệt đới khi mạnh lên thành bão số 4


Cơ quan khí tượng cho biết, khi áp thấp nhiệt đới mạnh lên thành bão số 4 sẽ có cường độ cấp 8 - 9.

Phân bổ tiền hỗ trợ 26 địa phương bị ảnh hưởng bão lũ


Ban Vận động Cứu trợ Trung ương sẽ tổ chức các đoàn giám sát việc phân bổ nguồn lực tại các địa phương nhận hỗ trợ do bị bão lũ.

Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

Đan Thanh |

Kỳ nghỉ Tết Trung thu năm nay, khách Hàn Quốc du lịch nội địa và quốc tế tăng mạnh, đặc biệt tới Thái Lan, Việt Nam.