Businesses invest 1 billion but fire prevention costs 2-3 billion VND


On August 28, the Conference of specialized National Assembly delegates commented on the draft Law on Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue ( Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue ).

Expressing his opinion, delegate Dinh Ngoc Minh (Ca Mau Delegation) commented that the current fire prevention standards and regulations are too high, making businesses very scared.

According to delegates, there are businesses that only invest 1 billion VND, but if they meet all fire protection standards and criteria, it will cost 2-3 billion VND, much larger than the investment. He wondered whether this law could solve the shortcomings mentioned above or not.

Referring to the issue of decentralization in inspection and appraisal of fire prevention and fighting, the National Assembly delegate assessed that the great progress is having its own inspection agency, but when each project has two appraisal agencies, one construction agency, A police agency increases administrative procedures, businesses complain and react.

National Assembly delegate Dang Bich Ngoc commented on the draft Law on Fire Prevention and Control. Photo: National Assembly
National Assembly delegate Dang Bich Ngoc commented on the draft Law on Fire Prevention and Control. Photo: National Assembly

Commenting on fire protection conditions for production and business establishments, delegate Dang Bich Ngoc (Hoa Binh Delegation) mentioned the situation of building individual multi-storey houses and many apartments without planning, without permission, without permission. Failure to ensure fire prevention and fighting standards poses a potential risk of unsafe fire for the project, leading to many fires causing tragic consequences.

Delegates stated that in reality, places where fires occur are often degraded apartments, karaoke services , motels, production and business establishments, houses in alleys and corners where flammable substances are stored.

The regulation of fire protection standards in the draft law, according to Ms. Dang Bich Ngoc, contributes to reducing risks and casualties when there is a fire. According to statistics, ministries and branches have developed 230 national standards and regulations.

However, there are standards that have just been issued that have been changed with new standards, 3 years and 3 regulations, just reading and understanding the standards is very difficult.

Some standards are unrealistic and unfeasible. Therefore, delegates recommended that ministries and branches coordinate to review and amend fire prevention and fighting standards to ensure consistency and avoid causing trouble and difficulties for businesses. industry and people.

In addition, delegates also suggested that it is necessary to clearly distinguish between types of production and business establishments that are susceptible to fire and explosion, requiring strict regulations on fire prevention and fighting.

As for production facilities where fires rarely occur and are easy to rescue, regulations are easier, reducing costs for businesses and people. For flammable establishments, if they do not have sufficient fire protection conditions, they should change their form of production and business.

National Assembly delegate Pham Van Hoa spoke. Photo: National Assembly
National Assembly delegate Pham Van Hoa spoke. Photo: National Assembly

Citing Article 49 (regulations on compulsory fire and explosion insurance), delegate Pham Van Hoa (Dong Thap Delegation) stated that the Government is assigned to regulate the list of establishments that must purchase compulsory fire and explosion insurance; Compulsory fire and explosion insurance premiums; payment rates, management regime, and use of revenue from compulsory fire and explosion insurance for fire prevention and rescue activities.

Dong Thap Doan delegate wondered what type of establishment this category was.

"I propose to highlight a number of types and bases so that delegates can visualize which categories are required to buy insurance, avoiding the abuse of too many categories forcing establishments to purchase fire and explosion insurance. In Ky. At the next 8th meeting, the draft law submitted to the National Assembly must have a specific list for delegates to comment on," commented delegate Pham Van Hoa.


Đề nghị bổ sung quy định riêng về PCCC với nhà ở riêng lẻ


Một số ý kiến đề nghị bổ sung quy định riêng về (PCCC) đối với cơ sở, nhà ở, nhà ở riêng lẻ, đặc biệt là nhà ở kết hợp sản xuất, kinh doanh.

Đề xuất quy định mới về nghiệm thu, kiểm tra công tác nghiệm thu về PCCC


Dự thảo Luật Phòng cháy, chữa cháy (PCCC) và cứu nạn, cứu hộ đề xuất quy định nghiệm thu, kiểm tra công tác nghiệm thu về PCCC sẽ theo từng phần, từng giai đoạn, từng hạng mục, từng hệ thống và nghiệm thu bàn giao.

Bộ Công an đề xuất cắt giảm hàng loạt thủ tục hành chính trong PCCC

Vương Trần |

Theo Bộ Công an, dự kiến sau khi Luật Phòng cháy chữa cháy và cứu nạn cứu hộ có hiệu lực sẽ cắt giảm 6 nhóm thủ tục hành chính với 29 thủ tục.

Bên trong những ngôi nhà tạm vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn


Điện Biên - Trong khi chờ tái định cư sau lũ quét từ gần 2 tháng trước, nhiều người dân vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn đang phải dựng lên những ngôi nhà tạm.

Xe tải bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Xe tải đang lưu thông thì bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết.

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It is recommended to add separate regulations on fire prevention and fighting for individual houses


Some comments suggest adding separate regulations on fire protection for establishments, houses, and individual houses, especially houses combined with production and business.

Đề xuất quy định mới về nghiệm thu, kiểm tra công tác nghiệm thu về PCCC


Dự thảo Luật Phòng cháy, chữa cháy (PCCC) và cứu nạn, cứu hộ đề xuất quy định nghiệm thu, kiểm tra công tác nghiệm thu về PCCC sẽ theo từng phần, từng giai đoạn, từng hạng mục, từng hệ thống và nghiệm thu bàn giao.

Bộ Công an đề xuất cắt giảm hàng loạt thủ tục hành chính trong PCCC

Vương Trần |

Theo Bộ Công an, dự kiến sau khi Luật Phòng cháy chữa cháy và cứu nạn cứu hộ có hiệu lực sẽ cắt giảm 6 nhóm thủ tục hành chính với 29 thủ tục.