On March 2, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee announced decisions on the organization of the apparatus, grassroots party organizations and personnel work.
The conference announced the Decisions on receiving, transferring, dissolving and establishing new grassroots party organizations under the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee; at the same time, announced the Decision on establishing specialized advisory and supporting agencies of the Party Committee, the Decision on receiving, appointing and assigning tasks to cadres and civil servants of advisory and supporting agencies of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee.

The conference also announced the decisions of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee to appoint Mr. Bui Van Thang - Member of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Environment - to hold the position of Head of the Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Department of the Provincial People's Committee (term) for 5 years from March 1.3; Ms. Sai Thi Yen - Director of the Department of Home Affairs to hold the position of Head of the Party Committee's Organization Committee (term), for 5 years from March 1.; Mr. Nguyen Viet Hai - Chief of the Provincial People's Committee Office - to hold the position of Chief of the Party Committee's Office (term) from January 1 to retirement.
The Provincial People's Committee Party Committee also decided to receive and appoint cadres and civil servants to work at the Inspection Committee Agency, Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Department and Party Committee Office.
Speaking at the conference, Mr. Le Ngoc Chau - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Party Secretary, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - emphasized that, implementing the decision of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee on the establishment of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee directly under the Provincial Party Committee and the decisions to appoint the Executive Committee, Standing Committee, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Party Committee Inspection Committee for the 2020 - 2025 term, the Party Committee Standing Committee has urgently deployed key tasks to soon put the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee into stable and effective operation.
Immediately after the conference to announce decisions on organizational structure, grassroots Party organization and personnel work, the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee held the first Executive Committee Conference for the 2020 - 2025 term. At the same time, the Conference considered and discussed the Working Regulations of the Executive Committee, Standing Committee, and Standing Committee of the Party Committee; Working Regulations of the Executive Committee, Standing Committee of the Party Committee until August 2025; Resolution on assigning tasks to members of the Party Executive Committee, members of the Standing Committee, Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries of the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee for the 2020-2025 term; Plan to organize grassroots congresses for the 2025-2030 term; Working Regulations of the Party Committee Inspection Committee; Inspection and supervision program of the Executive Committee, Standing Committee of the Party Committee until August 2025.