Lam Dong appoints Deputy Director of Department as Secretary of District Party Committee


Mr. Nguyen Van Chau, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Lam Dong province, has just been transferred and appointed to hold the position of Secretary of the Dam Rong District Party Committee.

On the morning of August 29, the Standing Committee of Lam Dong Provincial Party Committee announced the Decision to transfer and appoint Mr. Nguyen Van Chau, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, to hold the position of Secretary of Dam Rong District Party Committee, term 2020 - 2025.

Speaking at the ceremony, Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee Tran Hong Thai congratulated and affirmed that the newly assigned task showed the recognition and appreciation of the Provincial Party Committee for the professional qualifications and contributions of comrade Nguyen Van Chau when he held many positions.

In particular, comrade Nguyen Van Chau is an official with extensive knowledge in the field of agriculture. The Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee requested that the new Secretary of Dam Rong District Party Committee continue to make many contributions with specific solutions.

In particular, new technology and new varieties are introduced to promote the development of green agriculture and circular agriculture, increase productivity, output, and income per unit area of ​​the district. Thereby, gradually promoting the efficiency and agricultural strengths of Dam Rong district.

In addition, Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee Tran Hong Thai also requested the new Secretary of Dam Rong District Party Committee Nguyen Van Chau to focus on solidarity and unity within the Party Committee to develop economic and political tasks, complete the set goals and improve the material and spiritual life of the people.

Speaking on accepting his new assignment, Mr. Nguyen Van Chau thanked the Provincial Party Committee for its trust and will accept the instructions of Deputy Secretary and Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee Tran Hong Thai.

Mr. Nguyen Van Chau promised to continue to strive to promote the achievements that generations of cadres and people of Dam Rong district have achieved in the past time.

In his new position, Mr. Nguyen Van Chau will review and grasp the actual situation in the locality, closely follow the regulations and policies of all levels and sectors to make Dam Rong district develop more strongly in the coming time.

Mr. Nguyen Van Chau (born in 1974), hometown Ha Tinh. Professional qualifications: Agricultural Engineer, Master of Plant Science, Senior in Political Theory - Administration.

Mr. Nguyen Van Chau has more than 20 years of experience in the agriculture and rural development sector and has held the positions of Deputy Head of the Department of Crop Production, Head of the Department of Rural Development; Chief Inspector of the Department; Specialist in charge of the agricultural sector of the Office of the Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee; In March 2019, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.


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