General Secretary and President attends the art program "Words left behind by him"

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On the evening of August 30, at Ba Dinh Square, General Secretary and President To Lam attended a special political and artistic program with the theme "The Words He Left Behind".

Taking place at the historic Ba Dinh Square, the political and artistic program "The Words He Left Behind" was jointly organized by the Central Propaganda Department and Vietnam Television to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the implementation of President Ho Chi Minh's Testament and the 55th anniversary of his death (September 2, 1969 - September 2, 2024).

General Secretary and President To Lam attended the program. Also attending were Politburo members and Party Central Committee Secretaries: Head of the Central Internal Affairs Commission Phan Dinh Trac; Head of the Central Propaganda Commission Nguyen Trong Nghia. Also attending were Politburo member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Bui Thi Minh Hoai, members of the Secretariat and members of the Party Central Committee...

General Secretary and President To Lam and delegates attending the program. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA
General Secretary and President To Lam and delegates attending the program. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA

Before passing away, beloved Uncle Ho left the entire Party and people a sacred Testament, which was also his last writing, in which he expressed his wishes, will, faith, and responsibility to the entire Party and people.

The Testament is the crystallization of noble moral, cultural and emotional values, the mark of an outstanding intellect, the passionate heart of a patriot, a great leader, and an outstanding communist soldier.

A will is a document that crystallizes the thoughts, culture, intelligence, morality and noble soul, expressing the stature of the will of a man, a great personality "who has brought glory to our nation, our people and our country".

General Secretary and President To Lam and delegates attending the program. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA
General Secretary and President To Lam and delegates attending the program. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA

The program "His words left behind" is an emotional journey, moments that take us back to the historic month of May 1965, when beloved Uncle Ho began the first lines of the "top secret" document.

55 years have passed since Uncle Ho passed away, but his ideology, morality and sacred Testament have always accompanied, illuminated and guided our entire Party, people and army to steadfastly and excellently continue the great revolutionary cause to which he devoted his whole life; determined to carry the invincible flag of President Ho Chi Minh to the final victory.

Outstanding performances in the political art program “Words Left Behind”. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA
Outstanding performances in the political art program “Words Left Behind”. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA
The performance "Who loves Uncle Ho Chi Minh more than children" by the Youth Stars Club. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA
The performance “Who loves Uncle Ho Chi Minh more than children” was performed by the Childhood Stars Club. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA

Over the past 55 years, our entire Party, people and army have been steadfast and loyal to the revolutionary ideal, studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style, and implementing his sacred Testament.

Uncle Ho's Testament, with its timeless value, not only influences generations of young Vietnamese today but will forever be a source of inspiration for generations of young people to study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style.

The medley “The country is full of joy - As if Uncle Ho was here on the day of great victory” was performed by singer Dong Hung and children from the Hanoi Cultural Center and the Kben Dance Troupe. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA
The medley “The country is full of joy - As if Uncle Ho was here on the day of great victory” was performed by singer Dong Hung and children from the Hanoi Cultural Center and the Kben Dance Troupe. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA

In 90 minutes, the special art program "His words left behind" contributed to reminding history, while affirming the core values ​​and important contributions of Uncle Ho's Testament to the great victory of the Vietnamese revolution over the past half century.

Vương Trần

Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm chủ trì họp Bộ Chính trị

Vương Trần |

Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm yêu cầu, báo cáo chính trị phải kết tinh toàn bộ tinh hoa giá trị quá khứ, hiện tại và tương lai.

Di chúc Bác Hồ: Trí tuệ lỗi lạc, trái tim nhân ái bao la


Di chúc của Bác Hồ hội tụ trí tuệ lỗi lạc, thể hiện sâu sắc tư tưởng, đạo đức, phong cách mẫu mực, trái tim nhân ái bao la của một lãnh tụ cách mạng vĩ đại.

Di chúc Bác Hồ là ngọn đuốc soi đường sự nghiệp cách mạng

Vương Trần |

55 năm trôi qua, Di chúc Bác Hồ vẫn vẹn nguyên giá trị thời đại, là ngọn đuốc soi đường cho sự nghiệp cách mạng của Đảng và dân tộc ta.

Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp qua đời


Cụ bà Đặng Bích Hà - phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp, qua đời ngày 17.9, hưởng thọ 96 tuổi.

Lý do tiếp tục đề nghị truy tố cựu Bí thư TX Bến Cát


Sau khi phục hồi điều tra, Cơ quan Cảnh sát điều tra Công an tỉnh Bình Dương đã hoàn tất điều tra, ra kết luận chuyển hồ sơ đề nghị truy tố cựu Bí thư TX Bến Cát.

Thu nhập thấp, công nhân xoay xở lo chi phí đầu năm học


Để lo các khoản chi tiêu đầu năm học mới cho con, nhiều công nhân, người lao động phải tiết kiệm, xoay xở đủ mọi cách.

Gia hạn xác minh vụ luận án tiến sĩ bị tố đạo văn


HUẾ - Đại học Huế vừa có thông báo liên quan đến vụ việc luận án tiến sĩ của trưởng phòng nghiên cứu khoa học bị tố đạo văn.

Cháy nhà trong ngõ nhỏ tại Cầu Giấy, khói cao hàng chục mét


Đám cháy xảy ra vào khoảng 12h trưa 17.9, tại một nhà dân trong ngõ 58 Trần Bình (quận Cầu Giấy, TP Hà Nội).

General Secretary and President To Lam chairs Politburo meeting

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General Secretary and President To Lam requested that the political report must crystallize the entire quintessence of past, present and future values.

Uncle Ho's Testament: Outstanding intelligence, immense compassionate heart


Uncle Ho's will brings together brilliant wisdom, deeply expressing the ideology, ethics, exemplary style, and immense compassionate heart of a great revolutionary leader.

Uncle Ho's Testament is a torch that illuminates the revolutionary cause

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55 years have passed, Uncle Ho's Testament still retains its contemporary value, a torch that lights the way for the revolutionary cause of our Party and nation.