Consumers are "lost" by diabetes medications, what is the right choice?

Anh Sơn |

Glittering images, attractive words like "completely cure diabetes", ... a series of diabetes treatment products on the market have caused many patients to fall into financial loss. So what is the effective and safe solution for consumers?

"Various forms" of advertising for diabetes drugs

If you have a disease, bow to all four directions. This is the common psychology of many people who are sick, especially people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease,... Grasping that psychology, now Nowadays, many functional food products have been advertised for sale on social networks or websites with affirmative language such as: "committed to completely treating diabetes after just 1 course of 2-3 months". ", or "type 3 diabetes: no need to use western medicine, no need to abstain"...

These forms of advertising for "self-proclaimed special treatment" products also use images impersonating hospitals, doctors, even images of monks, images of television stations to take advantage of trust and deceive. consumers.

Image of a patient being treated for diabetes. Photo: TPBVSK Diabetes
Image of a patient being treated for diabetes. Photo: TPBVSK Diabetes

Many patients have had to taste "bitter fruit" because they bought "high cost, empty quality" products, or believed in remedies that were hyped as miracle drugs by magic doctors, seriously affecting their health. health complications such as complications, coma, ketoacidosis, and even critical cases requiring hospitalization due to the use of unknown diabetes drugs.

Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Dinh Ngan - Former Deputy Director, Former Head of the Department of Heart, Kidney, Joints and Endocrinology, Military Hospital 103 affirmed: "Diabetes is a chronic disease and there is currently no cure. completely cured. Therefore, advertisements that cure diabetes completely are completely false and deceive consumers. To live peacefully with diabetes, patients need to comply with nutrition, exercise and medication. Eastern and Western medicine should be combined in treatment to improve effectiveness, but it is necessary to consider and learn carefully about the origin, production unit, and product quality to ensure safety and avoid falling into advertising traps. of products of unknown origin".

TPBVSK Diabetes - A favorite product in the herbal line that supports diabetes treatment

With more than 17 years of accompanying people with diabetes, TPBVSK Diabetna continues to affirm its top quality when honored to receive a prestigious award at the Announcement Ceremony of The Best Of Vietnam 2024.

The program is organized by the Vietnam Business Science and Entrepreneurship Association, Intellectual Property & Creativity Magazine, Asian Industrial Information Association (AIPA) in coordination with relevant units to honor brands and products. The most reputable products and services are voted and announced, helping consumers identify good quality products. At this program, Diabetes was honored as "The most popular product in the herbal line supporting diabetes treatment".

Diabetna was honored to receive the award "Most popular product in the herbal line supporting diabetes treatment". Photo: TPBVSK Diabetes
Diabetna was honored to receive the award "Most popular product in the herbal line supporting diabetes treatment". Photo: TPBVSK Diabetes

In addition, in the program "Vietnam Consumer Trust 2023", the survey assessing consumer satisfaction with Diabetna products showed that the level of consumer satisfaction when using Diabetna was up to 98 points. %.

The above awards and certifications are a reflection of product quality, effectiveness and consumer trust for Diabetes, specifically:

Optimal researched product formula: Diabetna is a product transferred from the ministerial-level research project of Associate Professor. Dr. Tran Van On and international research work conducted by Dr. Hoang Minh Chau collaborated with Korean scientists at Seoul National University. At the same time, Diabetes has cooperated with the Vietnam - Korea Institute of Science and Technology (VKIST) to improve extraction technology, optimize active ingredient content, improve product quality and proceed to produce therapeutic drugs. treat.

Safety - Quality - Efficiency: Diabetna is 100% extracted from clean Gymnema growing areas that meet GACP-WHO international standards; for high, stable and safe active ingredient content. In addition, Diabetna is produced at Nam Duoc Factory with modern GMP - WHO standard technology, helping to optimize medicinal properties and improve treatment effectiveness.

Transparent communication, respecting consumers: Products are announced and officially communicated such as: television, reputable newspapers, communication on the brand's website, official fanpage with authenticity and integrity. verify; At the same time, we condemn products and information that are fabricated, false or misleading to consumers; Aiming to help patients live happily and healthily with diabetes.

Always accompanying patients nationwide: Diabetes regularly organizes programs to help improve knowledge about diabetes, thereby helping patients confidently and proactively control blood sugar and prevent complications. Outstanding activities such as: seminar programs at large and small hospitals throughout the North - Central - South regions, meaningful volunteer programs, free blood sugar measurement activities, disease screening for the elderly... .

TPBVSK Diabetes has had a 17-year journey to win the trust of millions of people with diabetes and is highly appreciated by experts. The product has covered 63 provinces/cities, with a system of 20,000 pharmacies selling products nationwide and distribution channels on e-commerce platforms, making it a reliable choice for consumers across the country.

Certificate of advertising content of Diabetna health protection food No. 1887/2021/XNQC-ATTP issued by the Department of Food Safety, Ministry of Health on July 5, 2021. This product is not a medicine and does not replace medicine. Read the instructions for use carefully before use.

Anh Sơn

6 lợi ích của máy tạo độ ẩm đối với sức khỏe


Theo Tiến sĩ Roohi Pirzada (Ấn Độ), máy tạo độ ẩm giúp bổ sung độ ẩm, ngăn ngừa không khí khô gây khô mũi, nghẹt ngực, ho.

Bộ Y tế lên tiếng về thông tin xử phạt người độc thân

Lệ Hà |

Bộ Y tế khẳng định, đề nghị thí điểm “Xử phạt người độc thân” là thông tin bịa đặt, sai sự thật.

Cách tăng cường lưu thông máu, ngừa đột quỵ

HẠ MÂY (Theo livestrong) |

Khi lưu thông máu giảm, nhiều bệnh như giãn tĩnh mạch, thận và thậm chí đột quỵ có thể xảy ra. Tuy nhiên, các bài tập có thể giúp cải thiện nguy cơ này.

Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Chính phủ Nguyễn Hòa Bình được phân công là Tổ trưởng Tổ công tác cải cách thủ tục hành chính của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.

Gửi thông báo hơn 7.600 cán bộ vi phạm nồng độ cồn


Lực lượng công an đã xử lý và xác minh gửi thông báo về cơ quan, đơn vị quản lý đối với trên 7.600 đảng viên, cán bộ, công chức vi phạm nồng độ cồn.

Bác tin "lái đò Chùa Hương bị cắt suất sau khi đi hỗ trợ bão lũ"


Mạng xã hội hiện đang lan truyền thông tin nhiều lái đò Chùa Hương (Mỹ Đức, Hà Nội) sau khi chuyển đò đi cứu trợ vùng lũ bị cắt suất, không cho chèo đò phục vụ khách.

Lý do tiếp tục đề nghị truy tố cựu Bí thư TX Bến Cát


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Thủ tướng Israel tuyên bố mở rộng mục tiêu chiến sự ở Gaza

Thanh Hà |

Israel tuyên bố mở rộng mục tiêu trong cuộc chiến ở Gaza, bao gồm việc để những người Israel chạy trốn khỏi các khu vực gần biên giới Lebanon trở về nhà.