SHB enhances "digital touch points" for corporate customers

Hải Đăng |

Along with the “tailor-made” financial solutions that are SHB’s strengths; digital services and platforms such as SHB Corporate Mobile will help customers optimize the time to process financial tasks, approve money transfer orders anytime, anywhere, experience seamless online transactions, thereby managing cash flow more effectively, and better grasping business opportunities.

Recently, SHB has continuously added new features on the SHB Corporate online platform for businesses such as selling foreign currency online, enhancing security... thereby helping customers to transact smoothly in the digital environment, shortening operation time and diversifying experiences.

Following the development of the SHB Corporate online platform on the website, SHB continues to provide more "digital touch points" for corporate customers on the smartphone platform with SHB Corporate Mobile, which is designed to be simple and convenient. This is one of the important steps in the direction of upgrading the experience journey of corporate customers seamlessly in SHB's digital environment.

SHB Corprate Mobile application is designed with a completely new, streamlined interface with clearly illustrated functions, easy to operate and experience throughout all mobile devices. Customers can easily approve money transfer/transaction orders 24/7.

According to the survey, 80-85% of customers' needs when operating on the digital banking platform are related to money transfer/payment approval activities. Therefore, SHB Corporate Mobile focuses on serving the most essential needs of customers with understanding and the desire to bring the most convenient and fastest experience.

Just by opening SHB Corprate Mobile, business owners can query payment accounts and transaction history, in real time. At the same time, notifications pending transaction approval will be sent to business owners, managers... via the application as soon as approval is requested, helping customers' financial activities to always be smooth, without wasting time on delayed communication.

At the same time, SHB Corprate Mobile integrates the feature of decentralizing login and controlling transactions according to separate positions such as Director, Deputy Director, accountant... This decentralization not only helps businesses transact safely but also transparently, quickly and easily controlled.

SHB Corporate Mobile is also designed with biometric login and fingerprint/face recognition to add an extra layer of security to your account.

“In addition, compared to having to log in on a computer and authenticate via a separate Smart OTP application, SHB Corporate Mobile now shortens transaction time and increases security by integrating Smart OTP on a single platform, thereby maximizing user experience,” said an SHB representative.

In the coming time, SHB will continue to listen to corporate customers and add essential features, while keeping the interface simple, convenient and responsive to customer needs.

Ms. Bach Lien, owner of a fashion business in Ho Chi Minh City, happily said that SHB Corporate Mobile is the tool her company needs, helping to approve money transfers more conveniently to meet the company's import transactions, while also helping her manage cash flow anytime, anywhere right on her phone.

With its superior features and utilities, SHB Corporate Mobile is a powerful assistant in financial management, helping to reduce approval time between levels in the enterprise, effectively manage finances, and bring business owners a seamless, smooth experience on a digital platform. Customers can experience SHB Corporate Mobile here.

In the coming time, the Bank will continue to invest in technology, create digital services and solutions to best serve customers, and accompany businesses through each stage of development.

In the period of 2024-2028, SHB is focusing resources to implement a strong and comprehensive Transformation Strategy; setting a strategic goal of becoming a TOP 1 Bank in terms of efficiency; the most favorite Digital Bank; the best Retail Bank and at the same time a TOP Bank providing capital, financial products and services to strategic private and state corporate customers, with a supply chain, value chain, ecosystem, and green development.

Hải Đăng

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