Trade Union University recruits civil servants and workers in 2024

Thuỷ Anh |

Trade Union University recruits 89 positions, including 51 lecturers; 33 specialists and 5 staff.

Recruitment subjects applying the source attraction policy are not included in the recruitment target for 2024, and are implemented regularly without following this plan, when the School has a need and has candidates registering for recruitment. Recruitment subjects applying the source attraction policy include people with doctoral degrees, people with the academic titles of Professor, Associate Professor; Excellent valedictorian graduates at the School level, Trade Union University, in 2024.

Trade Union University recruits civil servants and workers
Trade Union University recruits civil servants and workers

Conditions for registration:

Have Vietnamese nationality and reside in Vietnam; Be 18 years of age or older; Have an application form; Have a clear background; Be healthy enough to perform the job or task.

Priority subjects and points in the entrance exam or selection: Armed Forces Heroes, Labor Heroes, war invalids, people enjoying policies like war invalids, war invalids of type B: 7.5 points will be added to the results of round 2;

Ethnic minorities, military officers, police officers, demobilized professional soldiers, people working in secretarial work who have changed their profession, graduates of reserve officer training, graduates of training for commanders of commune-level military commands of grassroots military branches who have been awarded the rank of reserve officer and have registered for the reserve officer category, children of martyrs, children of wounded soldiers, children of sick soldiers, children of people enjoying policies like wounded soldiers, children of category B wounded soldiers, biological children of resistance fighters infected with toxic chemicals, children of Armed Forces Heroes, children of Labor Heroes: 5 points will be added to the results of round 2;

People who have completed military service, public security service, or youth volunteer team members: 2.5 points will be added to the round 2 score;

Union officials who grew up at the grassroots level, in the workers' movement: 1.5 points added to the results of round 2.

In case an applicant or candidate for admission falls under multiple priority categories specified in Clause 1 of this Article, only the highest priority point will be added to the round 2 score results.

About the standard:

For instructors

Professional qualifications: Have a master's degree or higher in a major relevant to the applied major; For candidates applying for the position of National Defense and Security Education Lecturer: Have a university degree or higher in the field/major of national defense and security education/military officer/police officer/have a university degree in another major and have a certificate of training as a national defense and security education lecturer;

Have a certificate of training to meet professional title standards for university lecturers (if there is no certificate, it must be supplemented within 06 months from the date of admission decision);

Foreign language: Ability to use foreign languages ​​to perform the tasks of the lecturer position (According to Circular 40/2020/TT-BGDDT dated October 26, 2020 of the Minister of Education and Training);

Information Technology: Ability to apply information technology in performing the tasks of a lecturer (According to Circular 40/2020/TT-BGDDT dated October 26, 2020 of the Minister of Education and Training);

Voice: No lisp, no stutter, has a pleasant voice.

For professionals, teachers

Professional qualifications: Have a university degree;

State management: Have a certificate of training in State management knowledge according to the standards of the specialist level and equivalent or higher (if there is no certificate, it must be supplemented within 06 months from the date of the decision to pass the recruitment);

Foreign language: Have foreign language proficiency level 2 or higher of the 6-level foreign language proficiency framework for Vietnam (according to Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDDT dated January 24, 2014 of the Minister of Education and Training promulgating the 6-level foreign language proficiency framework for Vietnam) or equivalent; or a certificate of ethnic minority language;

Information technology: Have information technology proficiency that meets the basic information technology skills standards (according to Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated March 11, 2014 of the Minister of Information and Communications on standards for information technology skills) or equivalent.

For teaching assistants

Have a college degree relevant to the job position.

Ability to use foreign languages ​​to perform the duties of a lecturer (According to Circular 40/2020/TT-BGDDT dated October 26, 2020 of the Minister of Education and Training);

Information Technology: Ability to apply information technology in performing the tasks of a lecturer (According to Circular 40/2020/TT-BGDDT dated October 26, 2020 of the Minister of Education and Training);

Voice: No lisp, no stutter, has a pleasant voice.

For employees (workers)

Qualification: High School Graduate.

Understand the organizational structure, functions and tasks of the School and its affiliated units.

Understand the job requirements of the position.

Proficient in using tools and techniques related to the job position.

As for drivers, they must have a driver's license issued by a competent authority.

Thuỷ Anh

Trường ĐH Công Đoàn thông báo mời tham gia tư vấn khảo sát, lập phương án kỹ thuật xây mới TBA


Trường Đại học Công đoàn có kế hoạch lập phương án kỹ thuật và lập giá trị khái toán (dự toán sơ bộ) công trình: Xây dựng mới trạm biến áp Trường Đại học Công đoàn, công suất 630kVA-22/0.4kV đã được Hội đồng Trường Đại học Công đoàn phê duyệt chủ trương.

Hợp tác ĐH Công đoàn - Học viện Quan hệ Lao động và Xã hội Liên bang Nga

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội – Trường Đại học Công đoàn cho biết nhận lời mời của Trường, TS. Rozkhov V.Dmitrievich - Phó Hiệu trưởng Học viện Quan hệ Lao động và Xã hội Liên bang Nga sang thăm và làm việc tại Trường.

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Trường ĐH Công Đoàn thông báo mời tham gia tư vấn khảo sát, lập phương án kỹ thuật xây mới TBA


Trường Đại học Công đoàn có kế hoạch lập phương án kỹ thuật và lập giá trị khái toán (dự toán sơ bộ) công trình: Xây dựng mới trạm biến áp Trường Đại học Công đoàn, công suất 630kVA-22/0.4kV đã được Hội đồng Trường Đại học Công đoàn phê duyệt chủ trương.

Hợp tác ĐH Công đoàn - Học viện Quan hệ Lao động và Xã hội Liên bang Nga

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội – Trường Đại học Công đoàn cho biết nhận lời mời của Trường, TS. Rozkhov V.Dmitrievich - Phó Hiệu trưởng Học viện Quan hệ Lao động và Xã hội Liên bang Nga sang thăm và làm việc tại Trường.