3 banks with high interest rates for 12-month savings

Thạch Lam |

12-month savings interest rates in the banking system fluctuate around 4.4 - 9.5%.

PVcomBank's interest rate is currently the highest in the market, up to 9.5% for a 12-month term with a minimum deposit of VND2,000 billion. Next is HDBank with a fairly high interest rate, 7.7% for a 12-month term, with the condition of maintaining a minimum balance of VND500 billion.

Under normal conditions, 3 banks with high interest rates include Cake by VPBank, BacABank, NCB.

Cake by VPBank is listing the highest interest rate for a 12-month term at 6%/year when customers receive interest at the end of the term. Customers receiving interest monthly and quarterly receive interest rates of 5.65% and 5.68%, respectively. The highest interest rate listed by Cake by VPBank is 6.1% when customers deposit for 24 - 36 months.

Cake by VPBank savings interest rate table. Screenshot
Cake by VPBank savings interest rate table. Screenshot

BacABank is listing the highest 12-month interest rate at 5.8% when customers receive interest at the end of the term. Customers receiving interest quarterly and monthly only receive interest rates of 5.7% and 5.65%.

BacABank savings interest rates. Screenshot
BacABank savings interest rates. Screenshot

NCB is listing the highest interest rate for a 12-month term at 5.7%/year when customers deposit at An Phu, receiving interest at the end of the term. Customers depositing money for other terms receive interest rates of 3.7-6.1%/year.

NCB savings interest rate table. Screenshot
NCB savings interest rate table. Screenshot

How much interest do you receive if you save 500 million VND for 12 months?

You can refer to the interest calculation method to know how much interest you will receive after saving. To calculate interest, you can apply the formula:

Interest = deposit x interest rate %/12 x number of months of deposit

For example, you deposit 500 million VND in Bank A, term 12 months and enjoy interest rate 6%/year, the interest received is as follows:

500 million VND x 6%/12 x 12 = 30 million VND.

* Interest rate information is for reference only and may change from time to time. Please contact the nearest bank transaction point or hotline for specific advice.

Readers can refer to more information about interest rates HERE .

Thạch Lam

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