3 banks with high interest rates for 6-month savings

Thạch Lam |

According to a survey by Lao Dong Newspaper reporters, with nearly 30 banks in the system, the 6-month savings interest rate is fluctuating from 3-5.55%/year.

CBBank is listing the highest interest rate for a 6-month term at 5.55%/year when customers deposit money online. For other terms, CBBank lists interest rates from 3.80-5.85%/year.

CBBank savings interest rate table. Screenshot
CBBank savings interest rate table. Screenshot

Cake by VPBank is listing the highest interest rate for a 6-month term at 5.5%/year when customers receive interest at the end of the term. For other terms, Cake by VPBank lists interest rates ranging from 3.7-6.1%/year.

Cake by VPBank savings interest rate table. Screenshot
Cake by VPBank savings interest rate table. Screenshot

NCB is listing the highest interest rate for a 6-month term at 5.35%/year when customers deposit savings at An Phu. If customers deposit money in a traditional way, they will only receive an interest rate of 5.25%/year.

NCB savings interest rate table. Screenshot
NCB savings interest rate table. Screenshot

How to receive interest if saving 500 million VND for 6 months?

You can quickly calculate bank interest using the following formula:

Interest = Deposit x interest rate (%)/12 months x number of months of deposit

For example, you deposit 1 billion VND in Bank A, with an interest rate of 5.55% for a 6-month term. The interest you receive is estimated at:

1 billion VND x 5.55%/12 x 6 months = 27.75 million VND.

So, before saving, you should compare savings interest rates between banks and interest rates between terms to get the highest interest.

* Interest rate information is for reference only and may change from time to time. Please contact the nearest bank transaction point or hotline for specific advice.

Readers can refer to more articles about interest rates HERE .

Thạch Lam

Lãi suất cao nhất BIDV, gửi 200 triệu đồng nhận lãi ra sao?

Thạch Lam |

Theo khảo sát của PV Lao Động, BIDV áp dụng khung lãi suất tiết kiệm cho khách hàng cá nhân trong khoảng 0,1 - 4,7%/năm.

Gọi tên ngân hàng có lãi suất hơn 9,4% khi gửi tiền 13 tháng

Thạch Lam |

Lãi suất tiết kiệm kì hạn 13 tháng trong hệ thống ngân hàng dao động quanh ngưỡng 4,4 - 9,5%.

Lãi suất Agribank, BIDV, Vietcombank, VietinBank 31.8.2024

Thạch Lam |

Theo khảo sát của PV Báo Lao Động, biểu lãi suất của Agribank, BIDV, VietinBank và Vietcombank ngày 31.8.2024 niêm yết quanh ngưỡng 1,6-4,8%/năm.

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BIDV's highest interest rate, deposit 200 million VND, how to receive interest?

Thạch Lam |

According to a survey by Lao Dong reporters, BIDV applies a savings interest rate range for individual customers ranging from 0.1 - 4.7%/year.

Name the bank with interest rate over 9.4% when depositing for 13 months

Thạch Lam |

13-month savings interest rates in the banking system fluctuate around 4.4 - 9.5%.

Interest rates of Agribank, BIDV, Vietcombank, VietinBank 31.8.2024

Thạch Lam |

According to a survey by Lao Dong Newspaper reporters, the interest rates of Agribank, BIDV, VietinBank and Vietcombank on August 31, 2024 were listed around 1.6-4.8%/year.