Update on gold price closing session on August 22: Gold rings remain unchanged, the world declines

Khương Duy (T/H) |

Update on gold price closing session on August 22: Although there are signs of decline, the precious metal is still anchored close to the record level.

Update SJC gold price

Domestic SJC gold price closed on August 22, 2024.
Domestic SJC gold price closed on August 22, 2024.
SJC gold price developments last month. Source: Rong Viet Online Services Joint Stock Company VDOS
SJC gold price developments last month. Source: Rong Viet Online Services Joint Stock Company VDOS

Round gold ring price 9999

As of 6pm today, the price of 9999 Hung Thinh Vuong round gold ring at DOJI was listed at 77.15-78.35 million VND/tael (buy - sell); Keep both buying and selling directions unchanged compared to the closing of the previous trading session.

Saigon Jewelry Company lists gold ring prices at 77.1 - 78.4 million VND/tael (buy - sell); Keep both buying and selling directions unchanged compared to the closing of the previous trading session.

Bao Tin Minh Chau listed the price of gold rings at a threshold that remained unchanged in both buying and selling directions compared to the previous session's close.

In recent sessions, gold ring prices often fluctuate in the same direction as the world market. Investors can refer to world markets and expert opinions before making investment decisions.

World gold price

As of 6:30 p.m., the world gold price listed on Kitco was at 2,503.9 USD/ounce, down 5.1 USD/ounce compared to last week's closing session.

World gold price developments. Source: Kitco
World gold price developments. Source: Kitco

Gold price forecast

World gold prices decreased slightly in the context of the USD index gradually recovering. Recorded at 6:30 p.m. on August 21, the US Dollar Index measuring the fluctuation of the greenback with 6 major currencies was at 101,180 points (up 0.27%).

Despite the decline, world gold prices hang above the sensitive threshold of 2,500 USD/ounce. Investors wait for signals from the meeting of leaders of central banks in many countries taking place over the weekend.

On Kitco, according to SP Angel, the amount of money investors bet on the possibility of gold price increases increased by 18%, with total new futures contracts reaching over 6.7 billion USD last week. Huge cash flow is pouring into this investment channel.

Gold is also forecast to be positive due to demand from India, when gold buying activities before the wedding season in the country of billions of people are very strong. Pre-Christmas jewelry purchases in India also tend to push up prices in the fall.

In addition, China is forecast to return to net buying gold in the context of many private investors reducing confidence in local banks and investment funds in this country.

Khương Duy (T/H)

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Khương Duy |

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Cập nhật các tỉnh công bố tình trạng khẩn cấp về thiên tai

Nhóm PV |

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Khương Duy |

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Khương Duy |

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Update on gold price closing session August 21: Declining but still very high

Khương Duy |

Gold price update closing session August 21: Slight decline in both domestic and world markets. However, precious metals are still anchored around the high threshold.