Gold price today 3.8: Risk reduced, should you buy now?


Gold price today 3.8 ended the week with a strong increase. The difference between buying and selling SJC gold bars decreased, helping investors limit the risk of loss.

SJC gold bar price

Recorded at 9am, SJC gold price was listed by DOJI Group at 78.3-79.8 million VND/tael (buy - sell).

Compared to the beginning of the previous trading session, the gold price at DOJI increased by 500,000 VND/tael for buying and selling remained the same.

The difference in buying and selling price of SJC gold at DOJI is 1.5 million VND/tael. This threshold is quite high, causing investors to face the risk of loss.

Source: Rong Viet Online Services Joint Stock Company VDOS
Domestic gold price developments. Source: Rong Viet Online Services Joint Stock Company VDOS

Meanwhile, Saigon SJC VBQ Company listed SJC gold price at 78.3-79.8 million VND/tael (buy - sell).

The difference in buying - selling price of SJC gold at Saigon SJC VBQ Company decreased from 2 million VND/tael to 1.5 million VND/tael. This helps investors reduce the risk of loss when making short-term investments.

Gold ring price 9999

As of 9am, the price of 9999 Hung Thinh Vuong round gold ring at DOJI Jewelry Group was listed at 76.40-77.55 million VND/tael (buy - sell); Increase the purchase price by 100,000 VND/tael and keep the sale price unchanged.

Saigon Jewelry Company lists gold ring prices at 76.15-77.55 million VND/tael (buy - sell); Reduce 100,000 VND/quantity of afternoon tea purchased and reduce 50,000 VND/quantity of afternoon tea sold.

Bao Tin Minh Chau listed the gold ring price at 76.32-77.52 million VND/tael (buy - sell); across.

In recent sessions, gold ring prices often fluctuate in the same direction as the world market. Investors can refer to world markets and expert opinions before making investment decisions.

World gold price

As of 9:00 a.m., the world gold price listed on Kitco was at 2,443.1 USD/ounce; down 11.7 USD/ounce compared to the beginning of yesterday's trading session.

Gold price ended the trading week at 2,443.1 USD/ounce. Source: Kitco
Gold price ended the trading week at 2,443.1 USD/ounce. Source: Kitco

Gold price forecast

World gold prices increased sharply when the USD index fell. Recorded at 9:00 a.m. on August 3, the US Dollar Index measuring the fluctuation of the greenback with 6 major currencies was at 102,999 points (down 1.16%).

Gold had one of its biggest price increases of the year this week. Kitco News' latest weekly gold survey shows that the majority of investors expect the precious metal to continue to increase in price next week. Meanwhile, experts also believe in gold's upward trajectory.

This week, 14 analysts participated in the Kitco News Gold Survey. Wall Street's optimism about gold soared after stocks were jolted amid economic and geopolitical threats.

11 experts predict gold prices will increase further next week. Meanwhile, only one person predicted the price would decrease. The remaining 2 analysts predict gold prices will move sideways next week.

Meanwhile, 191 votes were cast in Kitco's online poll. 140 investors expect gold prices to increase next week. Another 28 people predicted gold prices would decrease. Meanwhile, only 23 people forecast that gold prices will go sideways.


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