Full set of Vietcombank interest rates, which term to choose for savings deposit

Khương Duy |

Vietcombank's interest rate fluctuates around 1.6 - 4.7%. This bank's interest rate is quite low in the Big 4 group.

Full set of current Vietcombank interest rates

Interest Rate for savings deposits at Vietcombank currently fluctuates around 1.6 - 4.7%.

Of which, Vietcombank listed interest rates for 24-month, 36-month, 48-month and 60-month deposits at 4.7%.

The interest rate for 12-month deposits is lower at 4.6%. Meanwhile, for 6-month and 9-month deposits, Vietcombank's interest rate is 2.9%.

3-month deposit term, lower interest rate at 1.9% and 1-month, 2-month term interest rate is 1.6%.

Currently, Vietcombank's lowest non-term interest rate is 0.1%.

Lai suat tiet kiem tai quay cua ngan hang Vietcombank ngay 25.9.2024. Anh chup man hinh website Vietcombank.
Interest Rate for savings at Vietcombank counter on October 5, 2024. Screenshot of Vietcombank website.
Lai suat tiet kiem truc tuyen cua ngan hang Vietcombank ngay 25.9.2024. Anh chup man hinh website Vietcombank.
Interest Rate of online savings of Vietcombank on October 5, 2024. Screenshot of Vietcombank website.
Bieu do lai suat Vietcombank ngay 10.9.2024. Bieu do: Khuong Duy
Vietcombank interest rate chart on October 5, 2024. Chart: Khuong Duy

In addition, readers can update interest rates of other banks through the table below:

Top ngan hang co lai suat cao nhat thi truong ngay 5.10.2024. Bang: Mai Anh
Top banks with the highest interest rates on the market on October 5, 2024. Table: Mai Anh

How to receive interest if saving 200 million VND at Vietcombank?

Formula for calculating bank deposit interest:

Interest = Deposit x interest rate (%)/12 months x deposit term.

For example, you deposit 200 million VND in Vietcombank, depending on the deposit term with different interest rates, the interest you receive is as follows:

+ 3-month term: 950,000 VND.

+ 6 month term: 2.9 million VND.

+ 9-month term: 4.35 million VND.

+ 12-month term: 9.2 million VND.

+ 24-month term: 18.8 million VND.

+ 36-month term: 28.2 million VND.

+ 48-month term: 37.6 million VND.

+ 60-month term: 47 million VND.

Interest rate information is for reference only and may change from time to time. Please contact the nearest bank transaction point or hotline for specific advice.

Khương Duy

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