LD 24052: Disabled since childhood, brothers help and support each other in old age


The 66-year-old brother has a disability in his legs, and the 57-year-old brother cannot see. Over the past few decades, two brothers (living in An Bien district, Kien Giang ) have relied on each other and experienced many difficulties and hardships.

Visiting the house of Mr. Truong Van Luan and Mrs. Truong Thi Gioi, who live in Ray Moi hamlet, Tay Yen A commune, An Bien district (Kien Giang), from the outside the house looks sturdy, but the inside walls are cracked, the columns The house is also broken into sections and seriously degraded. When it rains, it leaks and the sun burns because the tol roof pours down.

To avoid the sun, the two brothers temporarily lived in the back wing of the house made of trees and leaves... That kind of housing combined with the suffering of old age, inconvenience in traveling and personal activities made everyone feel sad and sad. distant.

Ms. Truong Thi Lunt (born 1956), the older sister of Mr. Luan and Ms. Vii, confided: "The two children have been disabled since childhood , one has eye disease, the other has unfortunate polio fever, so his legs are limp. The family is poor so the sisters can only rely on each other to survive. Now that my parents are gone, I try to help my brother in whatever way I can. I love my brother, but my strength is limited."

Since he was 4 years old, Mr. Luan unfortunately suffered from polio fever, so his legs became atrophied, making it inconvenient to walk. As for Mrs. Viet, right from the time she was born, she was also a healthy child, but when she was 3 years old, due to a serious illness, her right eye could not see light, her left eye was dim and could not see, so what was the outside world like? I also don't know how much.

When their parents died, the two brothers had to rely on each other to survive . Because of their physical defects, Mr. Luan and Mrs. Viet have never experienced true youth, nor have their own home like many people.

Speaking sadly about his situation, Mr. Luan shared: "It's difficult to walk, coupled with poor economic conditions, no one will care about me. I know my situation is difficult, so I just stay there for the rest of my life." again".

Mr. Luan said that the two brothers were fortunate to have support from the State regarding social protection policies for disabled people, so they had money for monthly living expenses. However, the house is in disrepair and is afraid of collapsing during the rainy season, so he really needs support to rebuild a safer house.

"When it rains and winds come and there is no toilet in the house, it is very inconvenient and difficult for two disabled and elderly brothers. If they don't even have a toilet, then what can they do to rebuild the house?" Ms. Kii choked in her voice. speak.

Mr. Nguyen Van No - Deputy Party Secretary, Deputy Head of Ray Moi Hamlet, Tay Yen A Commune, said: From disability benefits, each month Ms. Vii receives more than 500,000 VND, Mr. Luan receives more than 1.2 million. VND, temporarily okay so that the two brothers can take care of accommodation and living expenses. However, with old age, physical defects and health deterioration, we need help. Over the past time, the locality has always cared and supported the family, however, due to limited housing budget, we hope that there will be benefactors to help.

Any help for the situation of LD 24052 - please send to: Golden Heart Charitable Social Fund - 51 Hang Bo, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. Account number (STK) 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi; Contact number: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank Hanoi Branch; Contact number: 12410001122556 - at BIDV Hoan Kiem Branch.

Or please scan the QR code:

Or contact Ms. Truong Thi Lunt, Mr. Luan's older sister, Ms. Vii, living in Ray Moi hamlet, Tay Yen A commune, An Bien district (Kien Giang). Phone number 039.8905.047.


LD 24045: Nữ sinh lớp 6 và mẹ bị tai nạn giao thông cần trợ giúp


2 mẹ con nữ sinh lớp 6 ở xã Định Hòa, huyện Gò Quao (Kiên Giang) trên đường dự lễ tổng kết năm học trở về không may bị xe tải tông trúng từ phía sau, hậu quả người mẹ phải cắt bỏ 1 chân còn nữ sinh phải mổ, cặp inox để sắp lại xương chân.

LD 24043: Cha mẹ ly hôn bỏ đi, 2 đứa trẻ bơ vơ nương nhờ người dưng mong được đi học


Cha mẹ ly hôn bỏ lại 2 đứa con bơ vơ sống nương tựa vào người cô. Thế nhưng, không may người cô bệnh nặng qua đời, vậy là một lần nữa, 2 đứa trẻ lại bơ vơ trơ trọi giữa dòng đời trong ngôi nhà cũ lụp xụp.

LD 24042: Vợ bỏ đi, chồng một mình gà trống nuôi 3 con thơ và bà nội vợ già yếu


7 năm trước, vợ bỏ đi khi con trẻ còn thơ dại, một mình anh Hai bươn chải đi làm ngư phủ rồi chuyển sang phụ hồ để nuôi 3 con và bà nội vợ tuổi ngoài 70. Một thân gà trống nuôi con lặng lẽ, buồn tủi nhưng anh Hai phải cố gắng vượt qua vì còn gồng gánh cả gia đình.

LD 24003: Ước mơ đến trường của cô bé khuyết tật người Xơ Đăng

Lê Nguyên |

Em Y Kiêu Phường là một trong những học sinh đặc biệt của điểm trường thôn Đắk Plò (xã Đăk Rơ Ông, huyện Tu Mơ Rông, Kon Tum). Mặc dù chân trái bị khuyết tật bẩm sinh và luôn phải di chuyển với cái nạng tự chế, nhưng chưa bao giờ em từ bỏ quyết tâm đến trường...

Chốt phương án tái định cư cho Làng Nủ sau thiên tai

Bảo Nguyên |

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Quán cơm bình dân đông khách nhất Hạ Long bị tẩy chay

Nguyễn Hùng |

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Trận mưa lớn đêm 15.9, rạng sáng 16.9 khiến nhiều tuyến đường trên địa bàn Hà Nội ngập úng nặng.

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