6 most shocking revelations about the plot to sabotage Nord Stream

Thanh Hà |

The Wall Street Journal's in-depth investigation of Nord Stream revealed details about this daring sabotage.

Born after a drunken night

The Nord Stream sabotage is very complicated, but the origin of the plot started from a drunken night of a group of Ukrainian military officers and businessmen in May 2022.

"I always laugh when I read media speculation about a major operation involving secret services, submarines, drones and satellites. The whole thing stemmed from one drunken night and the iron determination of a few people brave enough to risk their lives for the country" - an officer participating in the plot said.

Cost 300,000 USD

Although the scale of the Nord Stream sabotage campaign is huge, the cost is only 1/3 of Ukraine's most popular tank - the T-64 tank costs about 1.1 million USD.

The cost for the crew, explosives and rented yacht was only $300,000 to sabotage a gas pipeline worth about $17 billion.

At the meeting in May 2022, the parties agreed that businessmen would self-fund the campaign to destroy Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2.

15m yacht

To suit the disguise, the Nord Stream sabotage was not carried out by a ship suitable for military operations. The pipeline vandals chartered a 15m recreational yacht - the yacht Andromeda - from the German port of Rostok.

The yacht was rented by a Polish tour company. This company is a cover for financial transactions set up by Ukrainian intelligence more than a decade ago.

Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipeline map. FT screenshot
Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipeline map. FT screenshot

The President of Ukraine approved and canceled the operation

According to an officer involved in the Nord Stream case and three well-informed sources, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky initially approved this operation. Meanwhile, Mr. Valery Zaluzhny - commander in chief of the armed forces - is in charge of this activity.

In June 2022, the Dutch intelligence agency MIVD learned about the plot and informed the CIA. After being approached by the CIA, President Zelensky decided to cancel this operation. However, Mr. Zaluzhny ignored the order and continued to deploy.

Some obstacles

The crew boarded the yacht Andromeda, flew the Ukrainian flag and departed in September 2022. The group carried diving equipment, satellite navigation, mobile sonar, open source maps and HMX explosives. The mission quickly ran into a number of problems, mainly bad weather.

Weather forced the cruise ship to bypass the Swedish port of Sandhamn and there was a brief discussion about whether to cancel the Nord Stream sabotage operation. During this process, a diver also accidentally released an explosive into the sea.

The role of Dutch intelligence

Days after the Nord Stream attack, an unlikely group emerged as one of the main investigators of the plot: Dutch intelligence MIVD. The Netherlands has developed an advanced intelligence network in Ukraine and Russia since MH17 in 2014.

A MIVD report, passed to the CIA and then to German intelligence, reported details of the Nord Stream incident, including the type of vessel used and the routes to the attack sites. Another Dutch report also identified Mr. Zaluzhny and the Ukrainian army as being involved in the attack.

Thanh Hà

Nga nghi phương Tây chưa hề mở cuộc điều tra Nord Stream

Thanh Hà |

Các nước châu Âu thực sự chưa điều tra về vụ phá hoại Nord Stream, Tổng công tố viên Nga Igor Krasnov nhận định.

Nga phản ứng khi chính khách châu Âu vạ miệng vụ Nord Stream

Thanh Hà |

Thông tin về nghi phạm vụ Nord Stream từ cuộc điều tra của Đức đã làm dấy lên vòng thảo luận công khai mới về vụ phá hoại đường ống dẫn khí này.

Học giả chỉ ra nhân vật tế thần trong vụ Nord Stream

Thanh Hà |

Ukraina không dám phá hủy đường ống Nord Stream nếu không có sự hậu thuẫn từ các bên khác.

Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN thăm, tặng quà người dân bị thiên tai tại Hà Giang

Nguyễn Tùng |

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Brentford đã không thể tạo nên cú sốc trước Man City tại vòng 4 Ngoại hạng Anh, dù đã dẫn trước ngay ở giây thứ 22.

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Hà Nội - Trái với cảnh nhiều điểm bán bánh Trung thu ế ẩm dù giảm giá, khách vẫn xếp hàng dài chờ mua bánh Trung thu truyền thống trên phố Thụy Khuê.

Giờ thứ 9: Trả về nguyên quán - Phần 2

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Di dời cả bản hơn 100 hộ ở Sơn La trước nguy cơ sạt trượt

Minh Nguyễn |

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Russia suspects the West has never opened an investigation into Nord Stream

Thanh Hà |

European countries really have not investigated the Nord Stream sabotage , Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov said.

Russia reacts when European politicians gossip about Nord Stream

Thanh Hà |

Information about the Nord Stream suspect from the German investigation has sparked a new round of public discussion about the sabotage of this gas pipeline.

Scholars point out the scapegoat in the Nord Stream case

Thanh Hà |

Ukraine does not dare to destroy the Nord Stream pipeline without support from other parties.