Are individuals assigned to manage protective forest land?

Nam Dương |

Reader asks: Are individuals assigned to manage and use protective forest land ?

Lawyer Nguyen Thi Thuy, YouMe Law Company Limited replied:

Clause 3, Article 176 of the Land Law 2024 stipulates the agricultural land allocation limit as follows:

3. The limit of land allocation to individuals must not exceed 30 hectares for each type of land:

a) Protection forest land ;

b) Production forest land is planted forest.

Article 185 of the Land Law 2024 regulates protective forest land as follows:

1. The State allocates protective forest land to manage, use, protect and develop forests in accordance with the law on forestry to the following subjects:

a) Protection forest management boards, special-use forest management boards, units of the people's armed forces;

b) Economic organizations with respect to protective forest land interspersed within the production forest land area of ​​that organization;

c) Individuals legally residing in commune-level areas where protective forests are located;

d) Residential communities in commune-level areas where protective forests are located.

2. Subjects allocated protective forest land by the State specified in Clause 1 of this Article may build infrastructure works to serve forest management, protection and development in accordance with the provisions of forestry law.

3. People who are allocated land by the State as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article are granted a Certificate of land use rights and ownership of assets attached to the land, but the assets are not recorded as public property on the Certificate of Rights. land use, ownership of assets attached to land.

4. The person who is granted a Certificate of land use rights and ownership of assets attached to land specified in Clause 3 of this Article, except for the case of protection forest management boards or special-use forest management boards, is entitled to do so. rights of land users and must ensure compliance with the provisions of Clause 8, Article 45 of this Law.

Thus, individuals legally residing in commune-level areas where protective forests are located can be assigned to manage and use protective forest land according to the regulations cited above.

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This column is produced with support from YouMe Law Company Limited

Nam Dương

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