Should I enroll in the Banking Academy with 25 points?

Linh Chi |

With high school graduation exam scores of 25 and 26 points, many candidates wonder whether they should register their aspirations to enter the Banking Academy or not.

On July 17, the Ministry of Education and Training announced the 2024 high school graduation exam scores of more than 1 million students nationwide. During the period from 18 to 5:00 p.m. on July 30, candidates can register, adjust, and supplement their wishes an unlimited number of times online on the system of the Ministry of Education and Training or on the Translation Portal. national public service.

This is also the time when candidates have to "weigh their brains" to choose majors and professions as well as arrange the order of their aspirations to increase their chances of being admitted to their desired universities.

Before questions 25 and 26 on the high school graduation exam, should I register my wish to enter the Banking Academy , Dr. Tran Manh Ha - Head of Training and Benchmarking Department of the Banking Academy gave advice to candidates.

Accordingly, Dr. Tran Manh Ha said that if you like students, you should boldly aspire to enter the Banking Academy: "A score of 25 - 26 on the 2024 high school graduation exam is also a pretty good score. Banking Academy There are currently about 1,800 spots left for the admission method based on high school graduation exam scores, so candidates should boldly put their favorite majors at the Banking Academy first.

In addition to the headquarters in Hanoi, the Banking Academy also has three other training facilities: Bac Ninh branch, Phu Yen branch and training base in Son Tay. These facilities have a lower standard score than the head office but are all trained in the same program, candidates can refer to it," Dr. Tran Manh Ha advised.

Sharing more with Lao Dong, the Head of Training Department of the Banking Academy made a prediction that the school's standard score this year could remain stable or, if any, increase slightly compared to 2023.

"The current standard score predictions for the Banking Academy are for reference only. The admission standard score will also depend on many factors such as the wishes of candidates registering for the school, the year's exam score spectrum. today compared to last year, especially the scores of candidates when registering for school", Dr. Tran Manh Ha provides more information.

Banking Academy benchmark scores in 2023. Photo: Screenshot.
Banking Academy benchmark scores according to the admission method based on high school graduation exam scores in 2023. Photo: Screenshot.

In 2023, the Banking Academy's benchmark score ranges from 21.6 - 26.5 on a scale of 30. The industry with the highest benchmark score is Economic Law with 26.5 points. The International Banking and Finance program affiliated with Coventry University has the lowest entrance score of 21.6 points.

This year, the Banking Academy enrolls 3,514 students, with 5 admission methods: Direct admission and review of academic transcripts; Admission is based on international certificates; Admission based on the results of the Hanoi National University competency assessment exam; Admission through high school graduation exam results. The school opened two new training majors: Digital Marketing and Auditing.

Linh Chi

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