Statement story and real and fake values ​​on Facebook

Bình An |

The "statistic storm" sweeping through Facebook has exposed the contrast between light and dark, between humanity, sharing and petty selfishness.

Real society on virtual Facebook

When Facebook and social networks exploded, we seemed to be living in two parallel worlds, the world on Facebook and the world outside of life.

Talking to Lao Dong reporter, media crisis management expert Le Ngoc Son - Chairman of Berlin Crisis Solutions (BCS) Reputation Management Company said that Facebook society is like a mirror reflecting real life.

“The way we use Facebook and express ourselves on our Facebook accounts says a lot about ourselves. Personally, I think Facebook is a miniature society, full of joys, sorrows, sorrows, tragicomedies, dark and light sides, good and bad people... Like the recent statement, when scanning Facebook, it has unmasked many hypocrites, show-offs, and fake people, but it also shows real values, people who speak the truth and do the truth” - expert Le Ngoc Son said.

According to expert Le Ngoc Son, we should not only be "shocked" by stories of fakery, pretense, fraud... but should also look at them from a positive perspective.

Tran Thanh va dong dao nghe si da lam nen nghia cu tot dep, lan toa gia tri nhan van trong cong dong. Anh: do hoa Huyen Chi
Tran Thanh and many artists have done good deeds, spreading humanistic values ​​in the community. The statement case shows the gap between light and dark, true and false values ​​in social life, and on the social network Facebook. Photo: Huyen Chi Graphics

“Through the statement, besides the exposed faces, there are touching stories about the spirit of mutual love towards the flood victims, and inspiring images of the spirit of volunteerism being spread in the community... I can see that charity work is a natural need of many individuals. Obviously, the effect of transferring money to support difficult circumstances, calling for charity, and volunteerism has been and is being actively activated in the community.”

This incident will also be a valuable lesson for those who are still dreaming of fame, attraction, likes, shares... on Facebook. The colorful, "canvas" things will eventually be exposed in one way or another.

Virtual reputation, real price

The deep origins of the “canvas” masks are viewed from many angles by experts.

Media expert Le Ngoc Son said: “When social media platforms pay for “huge” access numbers, when building brands for personal channels goes hand in hand with money, reputation, influence... it will inevitably lead to many individuals taking advantage, regardless of all limits to gain likes, shares, and interactions. In particular, taking advantage of charity stories, exaggerating the value of donated money is the easiest way to “win over” the community. Appealing to the compassion of the majority, relying on “kindness” will help many individuals build “virtual” brands for themselves.”

Dan nghe si tre doat giai tai chung ket Anh trai say hi toi qua da danh toan bo tien thuong de ung ho dong bao vung lu. Anh: Nha san xuat
The young artists who won prizes at the Brother Say Hi final last night donated all their prize money to support people in flood-hit areas. Photo: Producer

Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Thanh Nam (graduated in Clinical Psychology from Vanderbilt University, USA), currently Vice President of the University of Education - Vietnam National University, Hanoi, said: "They are "addicted" to standing in the attention of the crowd. Of course, if they have enough talent, qualities, and values ​​to attract the crowd, then there is no need to discuss. But in this case, they use tricks and tricks to try to attract attention, this is a deviation in perception and a lack of value."

All the tricks to create “fake” attraction when unmasked had to pay the price of real honor. They lost trust, prestige, and personal honor, becoming a tragicomedy spread throughout social networks.

When the colors and backdrops are revealed, it is also the time when the light of truth, of those who speak the truth and do the truth, shines. Gold - brass, real - fake are clear.

In those thousands of statements, there are also countless touching stories, which are the contributions of ordinary workers "no one remembers their faces or names", no flashy colors, just quietly contributing, quietly giving.

Bình An

Trấn Thành, Hà Anh Tuấn bị "check VAR" đầu tiên vụ sao kê

Huyền Chi |

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Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


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Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

Đan Thanh |

Kỳ nghỉ Tết Trung thu năm nay, khách Hàn Quốc du lịch nội địa và quốc tế tăng mạnh, đặc biệt tới Thái Lan, Việt Nam.

Còn vướng mắc thi hành 3 luật mới về thị trường bất động sản

Thạch Lam |

Mặc dù hàng loạt nghị định, thông tư hướng dẫn được ban hành nhưng việc thi hành 3 luật về thị trường bất động sản vẫn còn những khó khăn nhất định.

2 công ty gạch ở Đồng Nai nợ lương khoảng 200 công nhân


Đồng Nai - Khoảng 200 công nhân Công ty TNHH Sản xuất gạch men King Minh và Công ty TNHH Gạch Granite Đồng Nai bị nợ lương và bảo hiểm xã hội nhiều tháng.

Cận cảnh trung tâm nông nghiệp phớt lờ lệnh trả đất

Lam Thanh |

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Huyền Chi |

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Huyền Chi |

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