Avoid capital increase when implementing North-South high-speed railway


The Government Standing Committee requested to limit the total investment exceeding due to subjective factors and avoid capital increase when implementing the North-South high-speed railway.

On October 7, the Office of the Government announced the conclusion of the Government Standing Committee at a meeting on the high-speed railway investment project on the North-South axis and railway projects connecting with China.

The Government Standing Committee requested the Ministry of Transport to mobilize experienced, dedicated, and responsible staff to focus more on continuing to complete the dossier, including studying and maximally considering opinions from ministries, branches, the Government Standing Committee, and opinions from the State Appraisal Council.

For unacceptable contents, full and strict explanation must be given to convince the State Appraisal Council and competent authorities to approve.

Regarding the technical design plan, it is required to closely follow the investment plan for the entire route with a design speed of 350km/h to calculate and design suitable, feasible, and effective technical plans.

Regarding the route, it is necessary to study the most direct route possible to reduce costs, ensure exploitation speed, create new development space, save costs; avoid residential areas and large urban areas but must have appropriate connection plans; convenient for the shortest connection to airports and large seaports; ensure convenient connection to the East-West corridor and connection with railways in China, Laos, and Cambodia.

For stations, it is necessary to calculate and determine a large enough area, ensuring a long-term strategic vision to develop full, modern services, and maximize the efficiency of land resources and new development space.

Regarding the preliminary total investment, the Government Standing Committee requires a thorough review of the investment rate that is most suitable to the country's natural, socio-economic conditions and the specific factors of the project to calculate the preliminary total investment capital as accurately as possible, reliably and convincingly.

In particular, it is necessary to limit the total investment exceeding due to subjective factors when approving investment projects and avoid capital increase when implementing investment and construction projects.

Mobilize diverse resources, in which public investment is the main source (including central and local budgets, loans, issuance of project bonds, other legal capital sources of the State, etc.), BOT and BT investment capital sources (exchanging land for infrastructure, especially stations and parking lots)...

Regarding the submission progress, the Government Standing Committee requested the Ministry of Transport to promptly receive comments and complete the dossier to send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the State Appraisal Council before October 10, 2024. The Ministry of Transport shall closely coordinate with the State Appraisal Council to promptly receive and explain comments.

The Government must submit a report to the National Assembly by October 20, 2024 at the latest, before the opening day of the 8th session of the National Assembly.

Regarding investment in the construction of railway lines connecting with China (Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong, Hanoi - Dong Dang, Mong Cai - Ha Long - Hai Phong), priority is given to implementing the Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong railway line first, striving to start construction in 2025.

To invest in the 1,541 km North-South high-speed railway line, designed at a speed of 350 km/h, double-track, electrification, consultants have preliminarily determined the total investment to be about 67.34 billion USD (about 1,713 trillion VND). The investment rate of about 43.7 million USD/km is the average compared to some countries when converted to 2024.


Đường sắt tốc độ cao Bắc - Nam phải tránh các khu dân cư lớn


Yêu cầu đề xuất cơ chế đặc thù, đặc biệt cho dự án đường sắt tốc độ cao Bắc - Nam, Thủ tướng lưu ý hướng tuyến thẳng nhất có thể, tránh các khu dân cư lớn.

Thủ tướng chủ trì họp về đường sắt tốc độ cao Bắc - Nam


Thủ tướng nhấn mạnh, đường sắt tốc độ cao Bắc - Nam và các dự án đường sắt kết nối với Trung Quốc có ý nghĩa quan trọng với sự phát triển đất nước ta.

Cần một đề án thu hút vốn trong dân làm đường sắt tốc độ cao


Hiệp hội doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa kiến nghị có đề án thu hút nguồn vốn trong nhân dân để làm 2 siêu dự án cao tốc Bắc - Nam và đường sắt tốc độ cao Bắc - Nam.

Đề nghị xem xét lại pháp lý vụ biệt thự “đẹp nhất Cà Mau”


Cà Mau - Trên cơ sở thẩm định của Sở Tư pháp, UBND tỉnh đề nghị xem xét lại các văn bản liên quan, xử lý đúng pháp luật.

Các suối nội ô TP Biên Hòa ô nhiễm cao, anion vượt 27 lần


Đồng Nai - Suối Linh có chất lượng nước kém nhất, phenol vượt 3,4 lần, chất hoạt động bề mặt anion vượt hơn 27 lần so ngưỡng bảo vệ sức khỏe con người.

Nữ doanh nhân chuyên hối lộ trong vụ án chuyến bay giải cứu

Việt Dũng |

Trong vụ án chuyến bay giải cứu giai đoạn 2, mặc dù không bị đề nghị truy tố, song sai phạm của bà Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hằng tiếp tục được đề cập.

Kỷ luật một số cán bộ vi phạm ở Phú Yên

Hoài Luân |

Phú Yên - Ngày 7.10, Ủy ban Kiểm tra (UBKT) Tỉnh ủy Phú Yên đã có thông báo kết quả kỳ họp lần thứ 25 của UBKT Tỉnh ủy (khóa XVII).

Cái gì doanh nghiệp cũng phải đi xin sẽ làm mất thời cơ


Nhà nước không can thiệp vào quản trị doanh nghiệp nhưng cái gì doanh nghiệp cũng phải đi xin, phải làm thủ tục sẽ mất thời cơ, mất cơ hội kinh doanh.

North-South high-speed railway must avoid large residential areas


Requesting to propose a special mechanism for the North-South high-speed railway project, the Prime Minister noted that the route should be as straight as possible, avoiding large residential areas.

Prime Minister chairs meeting on North-South high-speed railway


The Prime Minister emphasized that the North-South high-speed railway and railway projects connecting with China are of great significance to the development of our country.

Need a project to attract capital from the people to build high-speed railway


The Association of Small and Medium Enterprises proposed a project to attract capital from the people to carry out two super projects: the North-South Expressway and the North-South high-speed railway.