The lives of 3 U70 artists who have just been awarded Meritorious Artists


Bach Long , Minh Nhi and Bao Tri are three southern artists who were awarded Meritorious Artists at the age of U70. How is their current life?

Bao Tri

Comedian Bao Tri is known as a familiar comedian on the Ho Chi Minh City stage. He was recently awarded Meritorious Artist.

He was passionate about singing from a young age and then followed singing troupes to learn the profession, from provincial troupes to city troupes. His artistic journey went through many changes from reform to comedy.

Over 40 years of working, Bao Tri has experienced many roles, from reformed plays, comedy skits and even plays. But for him, the most favorite role is the role of Huynh Cong Ly in the play Left Army Le Van Duyet. Thanks to this role, he was nominated for the Golden Mai and Golden Cu Noo awards, but did not have the chance to receive the awards.

Regarding marriage, Kim Tuyet - his wife and colleague - always stands by his side in his artistic journey. Over the past 30 years, the couple has experienced many ups and downs of everyday life and the stage. Bao Tri said that his wife is the person who inspires him a lot.

Currently, both Bao Tri and Kim Tuyet are active in the arts. On days when there is no show, he is ready to take his wife to filming and waits to take her home.

Bach Long

Artist Bach Long's real name is Nguyen Thanh Tung, born in 1959, the son of the late People's Artist Thanh Ton.

Artist Bach Long has been performing since he was 10 years old. Up to now, he has had more than 50 years of pursuing art.

At the age of 70, artist Bach Long "still lives in a rented house, his two meals are both rice and porridge at the market".

Meritorious Artist Bach Long had an accident on July 7, while on his way to perform. After that, the actor was taken by passersby to the sidewalk to rest, then drove his motorbike to the stage and endured the pain to complete the role.

According to Meritorious Artist Bach Long, in recent days, he has not canceled his work schedule but still regularly performs on stage as well as goes to film.

Although he is not as famous as his younger brother Thanh Loc, the male artist is not afraid of being compared. He once confided that since he was a child, he never liked to win or lose or compete with others. That's why he doesn't have to compete with his younger brother.

Because of this peaceful personality, Bach Long rarely competes to become famous. For Bach Long, showbiz has always been "unsatisfied". These things are not suitable for someone with a gentle and honest personality like you.

Minh Nhi

Artist Minh Nhi was also awarded Meritorious Artist in the 10th round of awards along with artists Bach Long and Bao Tri.

It is known that Minh Nhi has been performing and participating in the arts since he was studying at School of Theater Arts 2, now Ho Chi Minh City College of Theater and Cinema.

Up to now, Minh Nhi has had more than 40 years of pursuing art. Currently, male artists rarely appear on game shows and movies like before. Currently, he is focusing on developing his stage Truong Hung Minh.

In addition to taking care of the stage and participating in small roles to support young artists, Minh Nhi also teaches her students on stage.


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Anh Trang |

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Anh Trang |

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