Vietnam Circus Federation speaks out about the 10,000 VND donation

Thanh Hải |

The Vietnam Circus Federation officially spoke out about the information about supporting people affected by storms and floods with the amount of 10,000 VND that is spreading on social networks.

Recently, the online community was abuzz with the image of transaction code 638010.100924.121857 with the content "the Central Circus brothers and sisters support" the amount of 10,000 VND. This information was posted on the information page of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

Immediately after the information was posted, the Vietnam Circus Federation issued an official statement about the incident.

Accordingly, Mr. Tran Manh Cuong - Deputy Director of the Vietnam Circus Federation signed a document confirming: "Currently, the Vietnam Circus Federation is organizing a fundraiser to support and has not transferred any money. Therefore, the above information is incorrect."

Lien doan Xiec Viet Nam phu nhan tin ung ho dong bao bao, lu 10.000 dong. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Vietnam Circus Federation denies news of donating 10,000 VND to flood victims. Photo: Facebook character

According to Mr. Cuong, this incident affects the reputation of the Vietnam Circus Federation and the unit is coordinating with authorities to clarify.

At the same time, the Vietnam Circus Federation announced that it had reported the incident to the leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and requested the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to provide the account number and name of the individual who transferred the money so that the unit could clarify the incident.

Although working abroad, People's Artist Tong Toan Thang, Director of the Vietnam Circus Federation, confirmed to Lao Dong Newspaper that the information that the Vietnam Circus Federation donated 10,000 VND is untrue.

People's Artist Tong Toan Thang said: "Up to now, all work related to support and charity donations, the Circus Federation has done according to the Union system. Therefore, there is no story of the Federation transferring 10,000 VND".

In addition, Mr. Thang also confirmed that he had checked and confirmed that no individual in the Federation had sent 10,000 VND in support to the flood victims. After receiving the call, all artists will donate to each Trade Union group, the groups will compile it and then send it to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee.

According to Mr. Thang, the incident has negatively affected and reduced the reputation of the Vietnam Circus Federation. The Federation will coordinate with the authorities to verify and clarify the incident.

Mr. Thang added that the Circus Federation currently has about 160 members, calling on each person to support 1 day's salary to people affected by storms and floods.

In addition, the Vietnam Circus Federation also plans to organize a performance calling on artists and audiences to join hands in support. All proceeds from this performance will be transferred to people in flood-affected areas.

Thanh Hải

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Ấm tình người nơi rốn lũ

Khánh Linh |

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Lao Động |

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