Sad rain

Việt Văn |

If you're in a bad mood on a rainy day , it's easier to feel sad and rotten. You are sad for many reasons, from big things to small things, but of course they are all unsatisfactory things. Even though we know that life is impermanent, meaning that everything changes, it can go in a better or worse direction, but it clearly cannot stand still.

Your work has been having a lot of unnecessary problems lately, some projects seemed as good as putting candy in a bag but at the last minute they slipped away; My health is also not good, I am 40 and have shown signs of degeneration of my cervical vertebrae due to sitting too much. Then family problems also give you a headache, the two "grandfathers" are increasingly busy playing, so recently, one of them failed his final exam, the other was admitted to the lowest school among his aspirations.

You often work with your mind, so as the doctor advises, you need a lot of sweeteners. Accordingly, sugar and refined carbohydrates release the hormones serotonin and Beta-endorphin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, creating a natural feeling of excitement, dispelling all worries and worries. And like every time you go to a coffee shop and cake shop to find something sweet, you accidentally meet him sitting alone surfing the internet with a thoughtful look on his face. In front of him, there was also a huge grape cake and a rich, hot brown cup.

He said that in the past few weeks, he suddenly had trouble sleeping. He suddenly woke up around one or two in the morning and tossed and turned, unable to fall back asleep. There is no reason when everything in his life is at a perfect stage, from his career to his children. A life like yours, many people are dreaming of. But he kept feeling bored, maybe because thinking back, he had no big goal to pursue. He set a reasonable career goal and achieved it.

Everything is as planned by God, meeting a wife who can take care of everything and raise three children to grow up and become adults. He also doesn't have any special hobbies like collecting classic cars, antique lamps or antique watches like other people. You comfort him: Tasteless is boring, little taste is sad, too much taste is tiring . And sometimes, sometimes, many of you are confused. Well, just tell yourself: when the rain stops, there will be sunshine. Everything is natural, it doesn't matter if you want it or not.

Việt Văn

Lí do nhiều người bị axit uric cao, gout trong mùa mưa

Hạ Mây (Bệnh viện Đại học Y Dược TPHCM) |

Theo bác sĩ Chu Thị Dung - Bệnh viện Đại học Y Dược TPHCM (cơ sở 3), viêm khớp, gout… là những bệnh xương khớp thường tái phát trong mùa mưa.

Công nhân ngành điện “đội mưa” thi công đường dây 500kV


Thanh Hóa - Bất chấp thời tiết mưa, những ngày qua các cán bộ kỹ sư, công nhân ngành điện vẫn miệt mài thi công trên công trường đường dây 500kv mạch 3.

Mưa bão gây sạt lở, ngập úng nhiều tỉnh miền núi phía Bắc

Nhóm PV Tây Bắc |

Mưa bão đã gây ngập úng, sạt lở, đá lăn, tắc đường trên tuyến Quốc lộ 6 và nhiều tuyến đường huyết mạch ở khu vực Trung du và miền núi phía Bắc.

Hà Nội mưa rất to, dự báo những tuyến đường nào ngập sâu?


Với tình hình mưa lớn ở Hà Nội, cơ quan khí tượng đã cảnh báo một số tuyến phố có nguy cơ ngập sâu.

Cảnh báo lũ quét, sạt lở ở miền núi phía Bắc do mưa lớn từ bão số 2

Khánh Linh |

Do ảnh hưởng của cơn bão số 2, từ ngày 23 đến hết ngày 24.7, khu vực phía Tây Bắc Bộ và Nghệ An lượng mưa phổ biến từ 50 - 100mm, có nơi trên 200mm, có thể gây lũ quét, sạt lở đất.

Nơi nào ở miền Bắc mưa rất to, vượt mốc 300mm?


Cơ quan khí tượng nhận định khu vực Đông Bắc Bộ sẽ là trọng tâm mưa lớn do hoàn lưu bão số 2.

Miền Bắc mưa rất to, có nơi vượt mốc 300mm


Đại diện cơ quan khí tượng nhận định hoàn lưu bão số 2 sẽ gây ra một đợt mưa lớn diện rộng ở Bắc Bộ và Thanh Hóa.

Hình ảnh bị cáo Trương Mỹ Lan và đồng phạm tại tòa sáng nay


TPHCM - Trương Mỹ Lan và đồng phạm (giai đoạn 2) liên quan đến sai phạm xảy ra ở Tập đoàn Vạn Thịnh Phát, Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gòn, có mặt tại tòa sáng nay.

The reason why many people suffer from high uric acid and gout during the rainy season

Hạ Mây (Bệnh viện Đại học Y Dược TPHCM) |

According to doctor Chu Thi Dung - Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital (campus 3), arthritis, gout ... are bone and joint diseases that often recur during the rainy season.

Electricity industry workers "wear the rain" to construct a 500kV line


Thanh Hoa - Despite the rainy weather, in recent days, engineers and workers of the electricity industry have been diligently working on the construction site of the 500kv circuit 3 line.

Rainstorms cause landslides and flooding in many northern mountainous provinces

Nhóm PV Tây Bắc |

Rainstorms have caused flooding, landslides , rolling rocks, and traffic jams on National Highway 6 and many arterial roads in the Northern Midlands and Mountainous areas.

It's raining heavily in Hanoi, which roads are forecast to be deeply flooded?


With heavy rain in Hanoi, the meteorological agency has warned that some streets are at risk of deep flooding.

Warning of flash floods and landslides in the northern mountains due to heavy rain from storm No. 2

Khánh Linh |

Due to the influence of storm No. 2 , from July 23 to July 24, the northwestern region and Nghe An commonly experienced rainfall from 50 - 100mm, in some places over 200mm, which can cause flash floods and landslides.

Where in the North is the rain very heavy, exceeding the 300mm mark?


The meteorological agency said that the Northeast region will be the focus of heavy rain due to storm circulation No. 2.

The North has very heavy rain, in some places it exceeds the 300mm mark


A representative of the meteorological agency said that storm circulation No. 2 would cause widespread heavy rain in the North and Thanh Hoa.