Meritorious Artist Oc Thanh Van denies moving to Australia to settle down and quit showbiz


Meritorious Artist Oc Thanh Van said that the information that she and her family moved to Australia to settle down and leave showbiz is not correct.

Appearing on the "hot seat" of the program "Unexpected transformation", Meritorious Artist Oc Thanh Van attracted the attention of the audience after a period of "absence".

Oc Thanh Van denied the information that her family is moving to Australia to settle down. “No matter where I go, my life, work, assets... are still in Vietnam. This is my homeland, I am not leaving anywhere, this is just a suitable move for me and my family at the present time,” the female artist expressed.

Recalling the first time she moved to a foreign land with her children, Oc Thanh Van encountered many difficulties. Not only in adapting to the new life, the female artist also regretted leaving behind the achievements of her hometown.

“I like an open life, accepting challenges but I have to admit, I have been very tired recently because I have to complete my motherhood. In particular, leaving a country that is very familiar also has certain difficulties because I often miss old things.

But looking back, I consider this a valuable experience, so I often encourage my children that we will try our best, and if one day I feel this place is no longer suitable, we will return to where we were born," she said.

After nearly a year, Thanh Van's family life gradually stabilized, and her children adapted to the learning and living environment in Australia.

Only the female artist still can't forget her nostalgia and career in her homeland.

“Being immersed in cooking so much makes me forget that I used to be a very active artist for many years. Sometimes when I'm cooking, I miss my job terribly,” she said.

Taking care of the family and seeing the children grow up healthy and well-behaved is what every parent wants and Oc Thanh Van is no exception.

However, the sudden feeling of missing her profession made the female artist feel uneasy. It was not until her family life in a foreign country gradually stabilized that she took the initiative to regain her "stage glory".

“With my personality, when I want to do something, I will proactively seek it out. I contact places that I am familiar with and have been attached to for many years. I think this is a necessary initiative because if you are not proactive as an artist, you will not have many opportunities,” the actress of “Stubborn Girl” frankly said.

The female artist further revealed that in the near future she will actively pursue her artistic activities: “I still devote all my time to my job as a mother, but that does not mean cutting off 100% of my artistic activities. I will be selective and do kind things as I have always done since the beginning of my career until now.

Thinking back, the distance between Australia and Vietnam is not too far, the travel cost is also cheap, so I will travel often because currently, my job in Australia is gradually stabilizing."


Nathan Lee gây tranh cãi và giới hạn phát ngôn của nghệ sĩ


Nathan Lee liên tục có hành động gây tranh cãi trên trang cá nhân, sóng livestream khiến công chúng ngán ngẩm, đặt ra giới hạn về phát ngôn của nghệ sĩ.

Nghệ sĩ đấu giá vật phẩm giúp bà con bị ảnh hưởng bởi thiên tai


Show “We love Vietnam” diễn ra vào chiều tối 22.9, các nghệ sĩ đã thành công gây quỹ hơn 270 triệu đồng để hỗ trợ bà con vùng bị ảnh hưởng bởi bão lũ ở miền Bắc.

NSƯT Ốc Thanh Vân nể phục người vợ bao dung, cảm hóa 2 con riêng của chồng


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Artist auctions items to help people affected by natural disasters


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Meritorious Artist Oc Thanh Van admires his tolerant wife, inspiring her husband's two stepchildren


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