
Việt Văn |

He is good at remembering phone numbers, he can recite dozens of his friends' numbers right away. He is also good at remembering directions, remembering house numbers, once he has been there he will never forget even the alleys and inlets, no matter how "maze" it is.

But he has a weakness: he often forgets about other people helping him, from big things to small things, and gradually takes it for granted. He said: The world around us has many good people, and good people do good without expecting anything in return.

People call her a supercomputer for a simple reason: she remembers every detail. And remembers every little detail. Whoever says bad things about her, even if they are just harsh, whoever harms her, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and whoever does her a favor, all are in her memory. Some people ask why her memory has so many GBs, if she doesn't clean up the trash, it will overflow, she laughs and says she only remembers what needs to be remembered. But in general, anything that is too good is not good, many people are afraid of her because just a few careless words will immediately create a reaction in her brain. So she pins it down and throws it out in meetings when commenting and evaluating someone.

He is a colleague and friend of both of them because he is near retirement age, so they often seek him out as a spiritual support when needed. Late in the afternoon, after the work is done and the KPI of the day is completed, both of them come to him, have a cup of coffee to relax. She recalled that in the early afternoon, she "criticized" the hypocritical A in the meeting, making her speechless. He innocently told her that he had just borrowed money from a friend to buy a car for his son. He listened quietly for a long time and then told her: Every force that is released always has a reaction, it's just a matter of time, so everything should be considered for its consequences. Moreover, when criticizing others, if they have 7 sins, you should only mention 1 or 2, don't reveal all of them, it will only fan the flames of hatred.

Then he turned to him and smiled: Nothing is born naturally nor does it disappear naturally, it just changes from one form to another. Think about it, you are used to relying on and borrowing from others and think you always get what you get, but in fact you will also lose, and you will think about what you will lose.

The song “Pink Rain” by musician Trinh echoed in the restaurant: “The person sitting down asks for full rain/ In both hands a long pain/ The person lying down listening to the lullaby/ Life is so short that one is indifferent”.

Việt Văn

Hành trình đáng nhớ của “đường đua xanh” Green Cần Giờ Marathon HDBank 2024

Anh Sơn |

Gần 3.500 runners trong nước và quốc tế tham gia, hơn 300 cây xanh được trồng thêm và gần 500kg rác được dọn sạch. Green Cần Giờ Marathon HDBank 2024 lan toả giá trị nhân văn, hướng đến phát triển bền vững qua nhiều hoạt động ý nghĩa.

Thương nhớ mùa vàng Tây Bắc

Đan Thanh |

Tháng 9 hàng năm lúa chín trĩu bông, nhuộm vàng óng ả khắp các đồi núi Tây Bắc, nhưng năm nay chẳng những không còn mùa lúa mà các cung đường phượt cũng không còn như xưa vì bão lũ tàn phá.

NSƯT Kim Tử Long nhớ lúc mẹ mất nhưng phải lên sân khấu diễn


Tại "Đời nghệ sĩ" với chủ đề "Dưới ánh đèn sân khấu", NSƯT Kim Tử Long hé lộ những khó khăn, thử thách khi mới bước chân vào sự nghiệp ca hát.

Ngày hội khai giảng đáng nhớ của học sinh cuối cấp


Trong buổi lễ khai giảng của Trường THPT Chuyên Lý Tự Trọng tại TP Cần Thơ, nhà trường chủ yếu tập trung vào phần hội dành cho học sinh.

Thực phẩm tăng trí nhớ, giúp não chậm lão hóa sau tuổi 50

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Thực phẩm tăng trí nhớ, giúp não chậm lão hóa sau tuổi 50 như việt quất, cam, hạt óc chó...

Những dòng cảm tưởng xúc động tưởng nhớ Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh

Vương Trần |

Nhiều người dân, du khách đã để lại những dòng cảm tưởng xúc động, tưởng nhớ Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh vĩ đại.

Cháy kho dầu nhớt ở Lâm Đồng, 5 xe ôtô bị thiêu rụi


Một kho hàng chứa dầu nhớt trên địa bàn xã Lộc Nga (thành phố Bảo Lộc, Lâm Đồng) bốc cháy dữ dội trong đêm, gây thiệt hại nhiều tỉ đồng.

Một nhà hàng ở Yên Bái bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện bão lũ

Trần Bùi |

Một nhà hàng trên địa bàn TP Yên Bái bị đoàn khách từ thiện tố "chặt chém" khi thu hóa đơn tới gần 5 triệu đồng cho bữa cơm 12 người.

Memorable journey of the "green race" Green Can Gio Marathon HDBank 2024

Anh Sơn |

Nearly 3,500 domestic and international runners participated, more than 300 trees were planted and nearly 500kg of trash was cleaned up. Green Can Gio Marathon HDBank 2024 spreads humanistic values, aiming for sustainable development through many meaningful activities.

Missing the golden season of the Northwest

Đan Thanh |

Every September, the rice is ripe and heavy with grain, dyeing the hills of the Northwest a golden yellow, but this year, not only is there no rice season, but the backpacking routes are also no longer the same due to the devastation caused by storms and floods.

Meritorious Artist Kim Tu Long remembers the time when his mother passed away but he had to perform on stage


At "Artist's Life" with the theme "Under the stage lights", Meritorious Artist Kim Tu Long revealed the difficulties and challenges when he first started his singing career.

Memorable opening day of senior students


During the opening ceremony of Ly Tu Trong High School for the Gifted in Can Tho City , the school mainly focused on the festival for students.

Foods that increase memory and help slow brain aging after age 50

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Foods that increase memory and help slow brain aging after age 50 include blueberries, oranges, walnuts...

Emotional thoughts in memory of President Ho Chi Minh

Vương Trần |

Many people and tourists left emotional messages in memory of the great President Ho Chi Minh .

Fire at oil warehouse in Lam Dong, 5 cars burned down


A warehouse containing lubricants in Loc Nga commune (Bao Loc city, Lam Dong ) caught fire fiercely at night, causing billions of dong in damage.