Book exhibition celebrating 55 years of implementing Uncle Ho's testament

Di Py |

On August 29, the Vietnam Publishing Association opened the book exhibition "Celebrating 55 years of implementing President Ho Chi Minh 's testament " and inaugurated a community book cafe.

Book exhibition celebrating 55 years of implementing President Ho Chi Minh's testament

Attending the opening ceremony of the book exhibition in Ho Chi Minh City were Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Thanh Lam, Director of the Department of Publishing, Printing and Information and Communications Distribution Nguyen Nguyen, Director of the Institute of National Defense Strategy - Lieutenant General Nguyen Duc Hai... and representatives of ministries, branches and central agencies.

With a total area of ​​nearly 2,000 square meters, the exhibition displays and introduces to readers nearly 3,000 books and specialized information by many authors about the life, career, ideology, and implementation of President Ho Chi Minh's will.

Books on display at the exhibition. Photo: La Hue
Books on display at the exhibition. Photo: La Hue

Some typical publications introduced at the exhibition include: Ho Chi Minh Heritage Bookcase with 62 books; Innovation - integration - development and Party building and rectification under the guidance of Ho Chi Minh's ideology; 5 national treasure works, including: Revolutionary Path, Prison Diary, National Call for Resistance, Call for Compatriots and Soldiers nationwide, Testament...

Through the book exhibition activities, the Vietnam Publishing Association hopes to contribute to promoting and spreading publications about President Ho Chi Minh and implementing his will, promoting the movement of studying and following the ideology, morality and style of President Ho Chi Minh, and developing a reading culture in the community.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Lam - Deputy Minister of Information and Communications (2nd from right) and officials visiting the exhibition. Photo: Di Py.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Lam - Deputy Minister of Information and Communications - said: "The book exhibition as well as the book culture space today is a small bridge but contributes to making Vietnam a prosperous and happy country.

This space will be an opportunity for readers to gain a deeper understanding of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, the country’s history, and national culture. I hope and believe that after today’s exhibition, this place will become an interesting cultural destination of the city.”

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Lam - Deputy Minister of Information and Communications - visited the book exhibition "Commemorating the 55th anniversary of implementing President Ho Chi Minh's Testament". Photo: Di Py

The exhibition will take place for 2 weeks from August 29 to September 14, 2024 at the community library and will be held online on the website of the Vietnam Publishing Association.

Opening of The Wiselands community book cafe space

The Wiselands community book cafe space is a free community book library space with an initial scale of nearly 5,000 good quality books, new books introduced directly from publishers and distributors to help readers have close access to books.

Bookcase about President Ho Chi Minh. Photo: La Hue
Bookcase on display at the exhibition. Photo: Di Py.

The special feature of the library system is the combination of activities that form a chain of reading culture development.

This is a community (licensed) book library where book lovers and philanthropists can donate their books so that others can have access to good books and read books for free.

The goal in 2024 and 2025 is for the library to have 15,000 - 20,000 free books and increase the number of points selling cultural support products and readers coming to read books in each neighborhood to 7-10 points.

Professor, Dr. Trinh Quang Phu (right) and Lieutenant General Nguyen Duc Hai read books at the exhibition. Photo: La Hue
Professor, Dr. Trinh Quang Phu (right) and Lieutenant General Nguyen Duc Hai read books at the exhibition. Photo: Di Py.

Talking about promoting reading culture, Mr. Trinh Quang Phu - Director of the Oriental Development Research Institute expressed: "First of all, we must make parents as well as political organizations aware of reading culture.

Build a movement for everyone to read books, and at the same time bring books to the countryside for young people, women, and farmers. The more they read, the more their intelligence will expand, and advanced civilization will come to everyone very gently.

This is a new model, being tested and continuously improved from ideas, management quality to applied technology. The library hopes to bring a different space for reading, exchanging and connecting for those who love books, love cultural knowledge, contributing a small part to the construction of a knowledgeable and powerful Vietnam.

Di Py

Xây dựng văn hóa Đảng trong Di chúc của Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh


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Trang trọng lễ giỗ Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh lần thứ 55


Nghệ An - Ngày 24.8, tại Khu di tích Kim Liên, huyện Nam Đàn đã trang trọng tổ chức Lễ giỗ Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh lần thứ 55.

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Ngọc Dủ |

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Chợ đêm Ninh Kiều sáng đèn trở lại sau thời gian tạm dừng


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Building Party culture in President Ho Chi Minh's Will


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