Nearly a century of stability, transforming with the times

PHẠM ĐÔNG thực hiện |

Lao Dong Newspaper has continuously strived to become stronger, affirm its strong position , and actively contribute to the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland.

Through many stages of development, most of Lao Dong's journalists have maintained their political courage, professional ethics and are proud of their country's journalism. In the new opportunity, Lao Dong Newspaper has steadfastly pursued the goal of successful digital transformation , building a modern, professional, humane and social-serving journalism.

Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association Nguyen Duc Loi had an interview with Lao Dong reporter on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of Lao Dong Newspaper (August 14, 1929 - August 14, 2024) - a symbol of tireless efforts, continuous innovation and strong connection with the lives of the Vietnamese people.

Over the years, the National Press Award has contributed to promoting revolution and serving as career motivation for journalists. What do you think about Lao Dong Newspaper's contributions to the award in recent years?

- Journalist Nguyen Duc Loi: In recent seasons, Lao Dong Newspaper has had many works winning A, B and C awards with very high quality articles. The awards won by Lao Dong Newspaper reporters have honored the noble values ​​of journalists . These are pioneering, creative ideas, the spirit of responsible journalism, courage, commitment, even facing danger for the sake of fairness and justice.

Many works have actively participated in the work of preventing and combating corruption, negativity and waste of the Party and State; detect and reflect violations in land use, state budget, public investment... Many negative phenomena, negative sides, hidden corners of life are exposed and fought directly by Lao Dong Newspaper. . Up to this moment, it can be affirmed that Lao Dong Newspaper is proud to have nearly a century of excellence in maintaining tradition and maintaining the courage to transform with the times.

A survey conducted at 273 domestic press agencies showed that nearly 4% achieved excellent levels of digital transformation maturity, including Lao Dong Newspaper. How do you rate this?

- Journalist Nguyen Duc Loi: The policy of digital transformation of the press is part of Vietnam's national digital transformation strategy, in which the press is one of the pioneering and leading forces, with the role and function of connecting the media. connecting other social institutions to mobilize and transform. Vietnam currently has 882 press agencies, of which 143 are local, 347 are central, 72 are stations and 320 are scientific magazines. Of these, 339 agencies meet self-assessment requirements and 273 submit applications. you have done it.

The results showed that there were 10 press agencies that achieved excellent ratings in terms of digital transformation maturity, accounting for 3.66%. The good, fair, average and weak levels are 8.06%, 13.19%, 2.09% and 63% respectively. Of the 10 units achieving excellent levels, the central sector accounts for 50%, including VnExpress, Lao Dong, VietnamPlus, Vietnamnet and VTC News.

Recently, Lao Dong Newspaper has built an ecosystem on the social networking platforms Facebook and You Tube to convey social life information; marks an important shift in innovation from awareness, thinking to action, gradually contributing to becoming a leading unit, inspiring the digital transformation process of journalism. That determined effort has raised the ranking of Lao Dong Newspaper to the top of excellent press agencies in digital transformation.

According to my observations, in recent times, Lao Dong Newspaper has continued to improve, innovate and create; Strong digital transformation, media development towards multimedia and multi-platform to better serve readers. On the other hand, Labor will continue to organize many charity, social and behind-the-scenes activities, focusing on improving quality and professionalism in organizing programs and events. .

Despite going through a challenging time due to the impact of the epidemic, with the solidarity, self-sacrifice, and dedication to the profession of the collective of officers, employees, and workers, Lao Dong Newspaper has overcome Overcoming difficulties, there have been strong changes, successfully completing political tasks, serving readers better and better, the targets set at the beginning of the year have been achieved and increased, affirming a solid position in the journalism industry. the whole country.

How do you evaluate the content and method of transmission of Lao Dong Newspaper and what suggestions and directions do Lao Dong Newspaper have to better complete the work of propagating the Party's guidelines and the State's legal policies? water in the near future?

Journalist Nguyen Duc Loi : Lao Dong Newspaper, as an agency of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the voice of trade union members and workers has also made many contributions to the overall development of the Trade Union organization. With enthusiasm and responsibility towards workers, with the conscience of journalists, and the diligence and determination to get to the bottom of things by newspaper leaders and reporters, many workers have had their rights protected. legal and legitimate benefits.

Lao Dong Newspaper is responsible for information, propaganda, and timely reflection of the Party's guidelines and policies, the policies and laws of the State and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor on the worker movement and trade union activities; Educate patriotism, ideals of national independence and socialism, healthy lifestyle, good traditions of the Vietnamese nation and working class among cadres, workers, civil servants, and laborers, contributing to building a strong working class and trade union organization, realizing the goal of rich people, strong country, democratic, equitable and civilized society.

Propagate, promote, encourage, patriotic emulation movements and organize social activities; discover and set examples of typical and advanced collectives and individuals, contributing to orientation in trade union activities and the movement of workers, officials and laborers. Actively detect and fight against corruption, waste, bureaucracy and negative manifestations.

In particular, in recent times, Lao Dong Newspaper has built many articles on fighting against wrong and hostile views through propaganda.

In addition, the newspaper continues to maintain a series of articles about "hot" issues in the lives of workers, officials, labor as well as in social life. There are articles that receive the attention of many readers and authorities. Through the articles and results from the articles, we have shown the sense of responsibility and enthusiasm of the leadership and reporters of Lao Dong Newspaper towards work, towards union members and workers.

The higher the trust, the greater the responsibility. The staff and reporters of Lao Dong Newspaper today must understand more and strive to build an increasingly professional and modern newspaper, contributing to the development of the Trade Union, for the lives of people. Work better and be happier. That is also to realize the aspiration for a strong Vietnam in the future, as set out in the document of the 13th Party Congress.

What are your expectations for Lao Dong Newspaper in the upcoming journey of Vietnam Revolutionary Press?

- Journalist Nguyen Duc Loi: Lao Dong Newspaper has formed its own identity, style, created a brand, built a solid foothold in the hearts of the public, and affirmed its worthy position in the Vietnamese Revolutionary Press team. Male.

Looking forward to 95 years and especially the 100 year milestone of publishing the first issue, I hope Lao Dong Newspaper will continue to be everyone's trustworthy companion. Deep vision, sophistication in capturing information and truly reflecting life will be the key to maintaining the newspaper's position in the hearts of readers.

I believe that Lao Dong Newspaper will always be at the forefront of innovation and adaptation to meet all challenges of the times. The efforts and new developments of Lao Dong Newspaper will continue to bring value, trust and inspiration to society, and will shine even more brightly as we welcome the 100th anniversary of Lao Dong Newspaper.

Thank you very much for your sharing!

PHẠM ĐÔNG thực hiện

Báo Lao Động thực sự là tiếng nói của người lao động

Linh Nguyên thực hiện |

Về sự phát triển của Báo Lao Động, bà Phạm Thị Thanh Tâm - Chủ tịch Công đoàn Dệt may Việt Nam - khẳng định: Báo thực sự là tiếng nói của đoàn viên, người lao động.

Báo Lao Động - kênh thông tin nổi bật, đồng hành cùng tổ chức Công đoàn

Lương Hà |

Cùng với việc phản ánh sự phát triển kinh tế, xã hội, các vấn đề nóng trong đời sống, thời gian qua, Báo Lao Động tại tỉnh Thái Bình còn là kênh thông tin nổi bật, sâu sát, đồng hành cùng đoàn viên, người lao động.

Báo Lao Động: Vững vàng số 1 - Khát vọng 100 năm

Linh Anh |

Ngay dưới măng - sét tờ báo in Lao Động ra mỗi ngày, có một hàng chữ ngay ngắn: “Tờ báo số một bảo vệ quyền lợi người lao động”.

Loạt bất động sản khủng Trương Mỹ Lan dùng để khắc phục


TPHCM - Trương Mỹ Lan bày tỏ sự hối hận sâu sắc về hậu quả vụ án gây ra, khẳng định sẵn sàng dùng các siêu dự án để khắc phục hậu quả cho trái chủ.

Hình ảnh giản dị của phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp

VƯƠNG TRẦN - Ảnh: Đại tá Trần Hồng |

Những hình ảnh giản dị đời thường của Phó Giáo sư Đặng Bích Hà - phu nhân của Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp được ghi lại qua ống kính của Đại tá Trần Hồng.

Google hỗ trợ quảng bá du lịch, văn hóa Việt Nam ra thế giới

Chí Long |

Đoàn công tác của Bộ Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch trao đổi với đại diện Google về khả năng hợp tác để quảng bá văn hóa, du lịch, chuyển đổi kỹ thuật số...

Người dân gặp khó vì tuyến tỉnh lộ xuống cấp


HUẾ - Khoảng 3km của tỉnh lộ 10A đoạn qua xã Phú Lương (huyện Phú Vang, Thừa Thiên Huế) xuống cấp nhiều năm nay khiến việc đi lại của người dân bị ảnh hưởng.

Đại học doanh thu nghìn tỉ, có trường 98% đến từ học phí

Vân Trang |

Cả nước có 6 trường đại học công lập và 3 trường tư thục có doanh thu từ 1.000 tỉ đồng trở lên. Trong đó, có 2 trường đạt trên 2.000 tỉ đồng.

Lao Dong Newspaper is truly the voice of workers

Linh Nguyên thực hiện |

Regarding the development of the Labor Newspaper, Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Tam - President of the Vietnam Textile and Garment Trade Union - affirmed: The newspaper is truly the voice of union members and workers .

Lao Dong Newspaper - prominent information channel, accompanying the Trade Union organization

Lương Hà |

Along with reflecting economic and social developments and hot issues in life, over the past time, Lao Dong Newspaper in Thai Binh province is also an outstanding, in-depth information channel, accompanying union members, workers.

Báo Lao Động: Vững vàng số 1 - Khát vọng 100 năm

Linh Anh |

Ngay dưới măng - sét tờ báo in Lao Động ra mỗi ngày, có một hàng chữ ngay ngắn: “Tờ báo số một bảo vệ quyền lợi người lao động”.