Recreating 70 years of Hanoi's development journey


The exhibition "Economic, cultural and social achievements of the Capital after 70 years of construction and development" is an opportunity for visitors to look back at the history of Hanoi's development.

On October 4, the exhibition "Economic, cultural and social achievements of the Capital during 70 years of construction and development" was officially opened at the Hanoi Museum.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Ha Minh Hai affirmed: "The exhibition is a comprehensive picture, reflecting the entire 70-year development process of the Capital through the ages. With more than 500 images, 500 artifacts, 30 vivid models, the exhibition has recreated the glorious historical journey, along with many achievements in labor and combat of the Capital. From the difficult and arduous days of the resistance war, Hanoi has become a modern civilized city, of regional and international stature".

Pho Chu tich UBND TP Ha Noi Ha Minh Hai phat bieu khai mac trien lam. Anh: VGP
Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Ha Minh Hai delivered a speech at the opening of the exhibition. Photo: VGP

Through the use of panels, drawings, films, images, artifacts, combined with digital technology applications, 3D mapping projection, artificial intelligence (AI), the exhibition promises to take visitors through the historical flow back to the development stages of Hanoi with 5 display spaces corresponding to 5 parts.

The exhibition is one of the key activities of Hanoi City on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital, aiming to introduce the important achievements of Hanoi Capital over 70 years of fighting, working, producing and developing, the special marks in the leadership, direction and administration of the City Party Committee, People's Council and People's Committee through each historical period. Thereby, propagating, raising awareness, consciousness and responsibility of cadres, party members and people of the Capital about the morality of "Drinking water, remember the source", introducing and promoting the image of the Capital to localities in the country and international friends. At the same time, demonstrating the determination to strive to build the Capital Hanoi "Cultured - Civilized - Modern".

After the opening ceremony, the exhibition area was opened free of charge to welcome people and tourists to visit and admire the 70-year development journey of the Capital. The exhibition took place from October 4-14, 2024, at the Hanoi Museum.

Quy hoach chung thu do den nam 2045, tam nhin 2065 duoc trung bay tai trien lam. Anh: Khanh An
The master plan of the capital city to 2045, vision to 2065 is displayed at the exhibition. Photo: Khanh An
Nguoi dan tham quan trien lam trung bay chuyen de tai Trien lam “Thanh tuu kinh te, van hoa, xa hoi cua Thu do 70 nam xay dung va phat trien“. Anh: Khanh An
People visit the thematic exhibition at the Exhibition "Economic, cultural and social achievements of the Capital after 70 years of construction and development". Photo: Khanh An
Khong gian so tai trien lam. Anh: Khanh An
Digital space at the exhibition. Photo: Khanh An
Bach hoa tong hop Ha Noi thoi ky bao cap.
Hanoi department store during the subsidy period. Photo: Khanh An

Details of the 5 main parts of the exhibition:

Part 1: Hanoi before 1954 - A thousand-year tradition: Recreating the heroic history of Hanoi Capital from the Thang Long period to the brilliant historical milestone - Liberation of the Capital, opening a new period of development for Hanoi.

Part 2: Hanoi in the process of building socialism and the resistance war against the US to save the country (1954-1975) - Hanoi forever echoes the heroic song: Recreating the achievements in the period of building and defending the socialist North; at the same time, it was the largest and most important rear base supporting the battlefield in the South...

Part 3: Hanoi and the whole country build socialism, carry out the renovation process (1975 - 2008) - On the path of renovation and development: Recreating the achievements of the period of restoration, reconstruction and socio-economic development after the Liberation of the South and national reunification; the period of determination to innovate the management mechanism, develop a multi-sector commodity economy, operating according to the market mechanism under the management of the State.

Part 4: Hanoi Capital from 2008 to present - Expansion and development: Recreating outstanding achievements in socio-economic development of Hanoi after expanding its administrative boundaries with a new appearance and stature, the area of ​​Hanoi after expansion is 3,359.84 km2, 3.6 times larger than the old area, becoming one of the 17 capitals with the largest area in the world.

Part 5: Orientation for the development of the Capital to 2030, vision to 2050 - "Cultured - Civilized - Modern" Capital: Demonstrating the orientation for the construction and development of the Capital in the future with 5 development spaces; 5 economic corridors and belts; 5 dynamic axes; 5 socio-economic regions; 5 urban regions...


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Nhật Minh |

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Nhật Minh |

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Hoài Phương |

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Tâm Tú |

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Thanh Hà |

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Tô Thế |

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Officially opened 2 traffic projects in Tay Ho, Hanoi


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