Da Nang pedestrian traffic lights are convenient for tourists


The smart pedestrian light system tested in the area around Han Market (Da Nang City) has received many positive responses from people and tourists.


Da Nang planted coconut along the coast to reduce erosion and anti -landslides


Da Nang launched the 2025 planting Tet tree along the coast of the city to prevent erosion, reduce landslides, create landscapes and replace broken trees due to weather.

Many restaurants in Da Nang encroached on the roadside as a parking space


Many streets in Da Nang City occurred the situation of encroaching on the road and sidewalks as a place of business and parking, causing loss of beauty and obstructing traffic.

Da Nang people obey traffic laws well before Decree 168


Traffic participants in Da Nang, before Decree 168, were famous for voluntarily obeying traffic lights.

Young doctors on the path of volunteerism


Quang Binh - Young doctors in Quang Ninh district bring love to disadvantaged areas, are dedicated to examining and treating diseases, and help the poor with a passionate heart.

La Nina's impact on weather in March


Although La Nina is weak, it still has a significant impact on the weather in March.

Cable break in Baltic Sea, investigation in the direction of sabotage


Sweden said it is investigating suspected sabotage that caused a cable break under the Baltic Sea on February 21.

Forecast of when storms will increase sharply in the East Sea


The East Sea faces more storms as El Nino moves to La Nina.

Half a century of wandering, a woman suddenly returns to her hometown


Quang Tri - 55 years ago, at the age of 10, Mrs. Thuy left her hometown and drifted in a foreign land. Thanks to social networks and compatriots, she found her family and returned to happiness.

Da Nang planted coconut along the coast to reduce erosion and anti -landslides

Nguyễn Linh |

Da Nang launched the 2025 planting Tet tree along the coast of the city to prevent erosion, reduce landslides, create landscapes and replace broken trees due to weather.

Many restaurants in Da Nang encroached on the roadside as a parking space

Trần Thi |

Many streets in Da Nang City occurred the situation of encroaching on the road and sidewalks as a place of business and parking, causing loss of beauty and obstructing traffic.

Da Nang people obey traffic laws well before Decree 168

Trần Thi |

Traffic participants in Da Nang, before Decree 168, were famous for voluntarily obeying traffic lights.