6 bridges to relieve traffic jams at the gateway to Ho Chi Minh City are about to open to traffic


HCMC - Nam Ly, Tang Long, Rach Dia, Phuoc Long, Tan Ky - Tan Quy, Ba Hom bridges will be completed in 2024 to help relieve traffic jams at Ho Chi Minh City gateways.

Nam Ly Bridge

Nam Ly Bridge on Do Xuan Hop Street (Thu Duc City) is 450m long, with a total capital of 919 billion VND. The project was started in 2016, but in March 2019, when it reached about 40% of the volume, it had to stop due to land problems.

It was not until March 2023 that Nam Ly Bridge resumed construction after the site was handed over.

Ho Chi Minh City is about to complete the Nam Ly bridge. Photo: Mr. Tu
Ho Chi Minh City is about to complete the Nam Ly bridge. Photo: Mr. Tu

After more than a year of restart, the bridge and residential road on the left side of the route have been formed and are expected to open to traffic on September 15.

When completed, Nam Ly Bridge will connect the two banks of Rach Chiec River and reduce congestion on Do Xuan Hop Street, which will contribute to completing the regional transportation network.

Tang Long Bridge

Also in Thu Duc City, the 559m long Tang Long Bridge on La Xuan Oai Street started construction in December 2017, with a total investment of 450 billion VND. The project was behind schedule, stopped construction for a long time and then had to adjust capital to 688 billion VND.

Tang Long Bridge will open one branch to traffic later this year. Photo: Mr. Tu
Tang Long Bridge will open one branch to traffic later this year. Photo: Mr. Tu

In October 2023, Tang Long bridge was rebuilt after having the site. It is expected that a branch of Tang Long bridge will open to traffic at the end of December this year and be completely completed by the end of 2025.

Rach Dia Bridge

The new Rach Dia bridge project (connecting District 7 and Nha Be) on Le Van Luong street was approved in 2001 but did not start construction until August 2023.

The bridge is nearly 318m long (including bridge and path of about 233m), more than 10m wide with a total investment of more than 512 billion VND.

Rach Dia Bridge will open to traffic later this year. Photo: Chau Tuan
Rach Dia Bridge will open to traffic later this year. Photo: Chau Tuan

The project is currently at 70% volume, of which 9/10 abutments have been completed, 7/9 spans have completed beam installation and the bridge deck is being built.

Rach Dia Bridge will open to traffic later this year, helping to reduce the load on Rach Dia Bridge 2 on Nguyen Huu Tho Street, contributing to reducing congestion at the Nguyen Huu Tho - Nguyen Van Linh intersection.

Phuoc Long Bridge

Phuoc Long Bridge on Pham Huu Lau Street (connecting District 7 and Nha Be) is 380m long, with a total investment of nearly 398 billion VND. The bridge started construction in February 2020, but just completed the construction of some bridge piers and was temporarily stopped due to not having enough land handed over.

Phuoc Long Bridge is expected to open to traffic in December 2024. Photo: Mr. Tu
Phuoc Long Bridge is expected to open to traffic in December 2024. Photo: Mr. Tu

In July 2022, Phuoc Long Bridge had its total investment adjusted to 748 billion VND. Construction resumed in July 2023 and is currently at more than 75% volume, and will open to traffic in December this year.

Tan Bridge - Ky Tan Quy

Tan Ky - Tan Quy bridge is 385m long, 4 lanes, construction started in early 2018 under BOT form. The project at that time had a total capital of 312 billion VND, later increased to 668 billion VND due to including loan interest during the construction period and waiting for fees to be collected. However, the project was then stopped for 6 years due to problems with mechanisms and premises.

Tan Ky Tan Quy Bridge. Photo: Minh Quan
Tan Ky Tan Quy Bridge. Photo: Minh Quan

Recently, Ho Chi Minh City restarted Tan Ky - Tan Quy bridge after converting the investment method to using budget capital (491 billion VND).

The bridge is expected to be completed in December this year, in sync with the expansion of Tan Ky - Tan Quy road and Tham Luong canal to remove the "bottleneck" for the area.

Ba Hom Bridge

Ba Hom bridge project on Provincial Road 10 (Binh Tan district) is 425m long, 18m wide, started in 2018 with a total capital of about 374 billion VND. Due to land problems, the project's construction only reached 50% of the volume and then stopped construction for many years.

Ba Hom Bridge will open to traffic later this year. Photo: Mr. Tu
Ba Hom Bridge will open to traffic later this year. Photo: Mr. Tu

In October 2023, Ba Hom bridge was re-constructed after having the site. Currently, units are focusing on constructing the main bridge, striving to complete it to traffic by the end of this year.

Located at the western gateway, the completed Ba Hom Bridge not only helps reduce traffic congestion on Provincial Road 10, but also connects traffic with Long An province.


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