On December 25, information from Meo Vac District General Hospital said that this unit had just received a suspected case of anthrax after this person participated in butchering and eating dead goat meat.
The patient is Mr. Mua Mi V. (born in 1982), residing in Khau Vai commune, Meo Vac district.
Previously, a goat belonging to Mr. Mua Mi Th.'s family (Mr. V.'s nephew) showed signs of illness, loss of appetite, and was suspected of having anthrax.
By the evening of December 11, the goat died, Mr. Th. called Mr. V. to help butcher it. There were 13 other people participating in the butchering, including Mr. Th.'s brothers and neighbors.
After eating goat meat, on December 17, Mr. V. had a fever, left arm pain, swelling, dark black pimples, and yellow discharge.
On December 22, Mr. V. went to Meo Vac District General Hospital for examination and treatment. Doctors preliminarily diagnosed the patient with cutaneous anthrax. Currently, Mr. V.'s health is basically stable.
As soon as information about the case was received, Meo Vac district leaders directed specialized agencies to collect samples and send them to the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology for testing. At the same time, they directed Khau Vai commune to urgently implement measures to prevent and control the epidemic.
According to the Ministry of Health, anthrax is also known as anthrax. This is a dangerous acute infectious disease of warm-blooded animals (livestock, wild animals).
The disease can be transmitted from animals to humans through contact, slaughter, or eating livestock, especially sick or dead buffalo, cows, or horses, or through contact with environments or soil containing anthrax bacteria.