Commune health worker in Lao Cai dies while assisting people

Đinh Đại |

On the way to help people move their belongings, an officer of the Ta Cu Ty Commune Health Station (Bac Ha, Lao Cai ) died after being swept away by floodwaters.

On the afternoon of September 10, the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control and Search and Rescue of Bac Ha district informed that due to the influence of storm No. 3, from September 7 to 10, Bac Ha will have moderate to heavy rain, with very heavy rain in many places.

Many places in the district suffered large landslides and deep flooding, and many communes, villages, and hamlets were isolated.

As of the afternoon of September 10, Bac Ha district recorded one more death, Mr. Thao Seo P (born in 1982), an officer of Ta Cu Ty Commune Health Station.

At around 5:00 p.m. on September 9, on the way from Ta Cu Ty Commune Health Station to the village in charge to help people move their belongings, Mr. P was swept away by the water. His body has now been found.

Many roads in Bac Ha were eroded due to heavy rain. Photo: Ngoc Thuy
Many roads in Bac Ha were eroded due to heavy rain. Photo: Ngoc Thuy

In addition, natural disasters also damaged 1,054 houses, of which 858 were flooded and 194 were affected by landslides.

All roads to the district center, commune centers, and village centers were eroded, causing traffic jams. Many schools and medical stations were affected by the erosion; electricity and clean water systems were partially lost throughout the district.

Heavy rain also flooded and buried many areas of rice and crops along the river and some areas of other communes and towns.

Immediately upon receiving the information, Bac Ha district directed urgent measures and mobilized forces and means to overcome the consequences.

Millions of arms turn to compatriots affected by storm number 3

Storm No. 3 (Storm Yagi) caused severe damage and impacts in many provinces in the Northern region.

"A piece of food when hungry is worth a whole package when full", with the spirit of mutual love that has always been a beautiful image of the Vietnamese people, the Golden Heart Charitable Social Fund calls on philanthropists at home and abroad to join hands to share with people affected by the storm and post-storm circulation.... to soon stabilize their lives.

The Golden Heart Social Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank the precious affection of agencies, businesses, and philanthropists at home and abroad.

Please send all donations to: Tam Long Vang Charity Fund, 51 Hang Bo, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Phone: 024.39232756. Account number (STK): 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi. STK: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank - Hanoi Branch, STK: 12410001122556 - at BIDV - Hoan Kiem Branch. Or scan the following QR code:

Please transfer money with clear content of support.

Đinh Đại

Sạt lở trong đêm khiến 3 người tử vong ở Lào Cai

Đinh Đại |

Một vụ sạt lở trong đêm ở xã Mường Vi, huyện Bát Xát (Lào Cai) khiến 3 người tử vong.

2 tàu lớn từ nước ngoài theo lũ sông Hồng trôi về Lào Cai, Yên Bái

Đinh Đại |

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31 người chết và mất tích tại Lào Cai do mưa lũ

Đinh Đại |

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10 tỉ đồng nhóm cựu lãnh đạo Bắc Ninh nhận từ 2 doanh nghiệp

Việt Dũng |

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Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN động viên, hỗ trợ người lao động tại Tuyên Quang

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